Help for training pet

Hi, need help to continue training of my Dr


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    I dont know that's happened to my previous message::)) I try again.
    I've finished the training of my dragon,the bar is at 100%
    I've assigned 1502 of 1503 points to Stats,Resist etc.
    and now what can i do?
    I've closed the page with the new target, disabled and now?
    Going with the pet to kill "nothing succeed" all initial number are always the same! For example, I've put Hits points to 600 from 443, but in the page of stats remain 443/443. I would like to see 443/600. I've put Magery and Res.Spell to 105, but not yet spent the's a problem?
    I must click on the red button before to start training? I'm afraid to do it, since the system says that all points will be deleted….and I'm afraid to begin again the training!
     What I expected after the allocation of the points, was SEE ON THE TABLE the initial number, slash the new target. But it's not so.
    Where i'm wrong on it?
    Sorry for english...and thx for your help.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    Do not press the red button.
    open lore screen
    press blue button 'pet training options'
    I think you put hit points etc on the 'plan'?
    Once you make the plan, you then press 'disable' on the plan
    repeat the numbers on the plan, but this time instead of 'add to plan' button must read 'train pet'.
    you must have any scroll you want to add in your back pack.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    What shard are you on ? There are probably plenty of tamers who would help you out with this in person.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    Mariah said:
    I think you put hit points etc on the 'plan'?
    Once you make the plan, you then press 'disable' on the plan
    repeat the numbers on the plan, but this time instead of 'add to plan' button must read 'train pet'.
    you must have any scroll you want to add in your back pack.

    Ok I've managed my points and I've pressed disable on the plane.
    I've to repeat numbers in the Training Confirmation where at the bottom I've two possibilities: Back or Add to the Plan? sorry but I dont see "train pet".
    In what screen I've to repeat numbers? I've 3 screen open:
    1- the card of the dragon-with 100% training progress 
    2-Animal training menu-with Category at the left and Selection to the right. Lower-Cancel Plan Info
    3-Pet training planning with all my selections made for Stats,Resist, Increase Magic cap and Spec. Moves. Last row say, in red: Remaining training points 1.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Screen shot would go a long way too...Win10...shift/print screen paint, paste, save, attach to post.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    If you have disabled the plan, the 'add to plan' button should change to 'train pet'.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    I made this very basic video for someone who had trouble with fluent English. It may help you too

  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    Mariah said:
    If you have disabled the plan, the 'add to plan' button should change to 'train pet'. 
    With the "Pet Training Planning" Enable, and all the selections made, the screen "Animal Taming Menu" change in "Animal Training Confirmation" with the "Training Pet" now available. Now I can copy all new targets in the single subject. I try "Hit Points" up to 600, and click on Train Pet. A red script ask me to confirm. Click Yes. Click Enable and it change in Disable, close the sheet….but the number in the lore sheet remain 494/494 not 494/600. It's correct? Now I can train my pet and that number will increase day per day up to 600? The same of course for all other Stats, Res. etc.?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Yes. You need to get out of planner mode. Then add what you want.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    All the operations regarding the plan are completed, but I've a great doubt, again the same..
    "the number in the lore sheet remain 494/494 not 494/600 as planned. The same for all other data, there is not the new target number." It's right so or I've wrong something?
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    I made this very basic video for someone who had trouble with fluent English. It may help you too

    Very good idea. In what shard do you play? I'm in Europe.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    I am on Europa - although the video was made on test center.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    I am on Europa - although the video was made on test center.
    Me too, perhaps one day...can you give me your idea about my doubt?
    "the number in the lore sheet remain 494/494 not 494/600 as planned. The same for all other data, there is not the new target number." It's right so or I've wrong something?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    We've not asked. What pet is it? and what are your taming and lore skills?
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    The pet is a dragon, my animal taming is 105,9 and lore 90,8
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    The question it's now very simple: after to have assigned the new value in Hits Pts, Resistances and so on, THE NUMBERS AFTER THE SLASH ON THE LORE SHEET ARE THE NEW TARGETS OR REMAIN THE OLD?  I've to see on the lore sheet for example: HitPoints again 494/494 or I MUST SEE 494/600 that is the new target! If must see 494/600 I continue to mistake something in the process, since I see always 494/494. The for all the value.THX again.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
    As long as you are in planning mode your numbers will not change on the pets lore sheet.  You need to disable planning mode so you can commit the numbers to the pet.  The planning sheet will remain on your screen so you can look at it.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    edited May 2020
    Yes, the new target will set if you have applied the upgrade correctly

    You must lore the pet after you add the upgrade to be able to see it on the lore screen
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    The pet is a dragon, my animal taming is 105,9 and lore 90,8

    Your skills are to low.
    Dragons slot jump, and you shoukd need 108
    taming AND lore (for slot 5), even if not real

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Good pet to practice on please don't waste any scrolls on it. 
    Kill it when done.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    Mariah said:
    Yes, the new target will set if you have applied the upgrade correctly
    You must lore the pet after you add the upgrade to be able to see it on the lore screen

  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    Sorry Mariah, but it does not work. I repeat the process step by step:

    Animal Lore on the Dragon - Click on Pet Training Options

    Appear the sheet "Animal Training Menu"

    Click on Plan

    Appear the sheet " Pet Training Planning" with at the Top "Enable" and two red lines with the points available and remaining. In my case 1501 in both lines. No selection made at the moment.

    Now return to "An. Training Menu" click on Hit Points and I can modify the value from the actual 494 to 600. But at the botton line there is: to the left "Back" to the right "Train Pet", NOT Add to Plan. To have Add to plan I must click on Enable changing it in "Disable", now returning to Animal Training Menu, the title is changed in Training Confirmation and appear at the right Add to Plan. Update Hit Points to 600 and click Add to Plan.

    Now on the Pet Training Planning, there is a row with "Hit Points at 600" and remaining train points 1183.

    Click on Disable reappear Enable. Returning at the sheet An. Training Menu and clicking on Hit Points the number it's again the original 494. Change the number in 600 click on Train Pet, a message of confirmation appear, I click on yes.
    All sheets closed, new Lore on dragon….no change HP 494.
    I'm going mad.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    And you still won't post a pic...
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    Do you see any system message at all?  Check your journal, @Norry has suggested that your taming is not high enough to control the upgraded pet, so the system will not allow it.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    NOW i've finally found and read a message at the bottom of the screen "You lack the taming skill required to tame this creature"  It's necessary to have 108 in animal taming, if Norry is in the right, no doubt about. I'll continue train my tamer to that target and more, used a power scroll for 120.
    Many thx to all for the help and for you patience. Bye...for the moment.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Your lore needs to be up there as well. Good luck and try again. Sorry it took so long for all of us to see that bit.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    Norry said:
    Your lore needs to be up there as well. Good luck and try again. Sorry it took so long for all of us to see that bit.
    Do you think that it's necessary to have minimum 108 in both the skills Lore and Taming?
    It's not enough 108 in Taming and 90 in Lore?
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 66
    Norry said:
    The pet is a dragon, my animal taming is 105,9 and lore 90,8

    Your skills are to low.
    Dragons slot jump, and you should need 108
    taming AND lore (for slot 5), even if not real

    At the moment the skills of the tamer are: 
    Lore 90,8 Taming 106,0 Veterinary 90,1.
    I've both Time of Legend and Stygian, so my stable slot should be 6 basic. It's correct?
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    for minimum control of a 5 slot pet, your lore and taming need to be 108 after talismans and jewels, and for max a combination up to 226, or 230 as some say.

    if your new to taming, i would suggest getting both to 120. would suck to lose your pet because you were discoed, or you missed the pets warning soounds.

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