Player Damage Calc vs Monster/Pet Damage Calc
Melee Damage Calculation
Tactics Damage Bonus% = Tactics ÷ 1.6 (Add 6.25% if Tactics >= 100)
Anatomy Damage Bonus% = (Anatomy ÷ 2) (Add 5% if Anatomy >= 100)
Lumberjack Damage Bonus% = Lumberjack ÷ 5 (Add 10% if Lumberjacking >= 100)
Strength Damage Bonus% = Strength * 0.3 (Add 5% if Strength >= 100)
Total Damage Bonus% = Tactics Bonus + Anatomy Bonus + Lumber Bonus + Strength Bonus + Damage Increase Items†
Final Damage = Base Damage + (Base Damage * Final Damage Bonus%)
† Damage Increase from items is capped at 100%.
But I am unable to find one for Monster/Pet Damage
I know of this one but if you use the player one the numbers do not add up
Monster/Pet should be
Tactics Damage Bonus% = Tactics ÷ 1.6 (Add 6.25% if Tactics >= 100)
Anatomy Damage Bonus% = (Anatomy ÷ 2) (Add 5% if Anatomy >= 100)
Strength Damage Bonus% = Strength * 0.3 (Add 5% if Strength >= 100)
Total Damage Bonus% = Tactics Bonus + Anatomy Bonus + Strength Bonus
If this is so than uo-cah is wrong. Please provide link to calculator and @Mariah @Rorschach @Bleak @Kyronix @Misk could you help verify or provide link to data.
If you feel our site is wrong, you can contact us with questions. We base our damage calculation formula off of information that has been disclosed, such as:
We have also extensively tested in-game pets based on this formula and the numbers line up with our calculator.
If you feel something is incorrect, please give an example instead of just stating "it is wrong", as that doesn't help find any potential issues.
With that said, the information in our calculator is adding up correctly based on the formulas:
Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information.