Ships Navigation & Tracking

Was out pirate hunting today and after tracking on to the 4th consecutive Player Character ship and getting slightly irate I thought; how could this be made a little more enjoyable.

Well, first thing that came to mind, how does your average ship look for other ships?  They would use a telescope or in UOs case the spyglass.
So why can't the tracking functionality be attached to the spyglass?  Double click once, it starts tracking, double click again and it stops.  Spyglass current function serves no purpose.
Secondly, with a spyglass you would be able to identify what you are looking at.  So instead of the generic red/gold flashing cursor that tells you nothing why cant it be colour coded?  For example, Red for enemy, blue neutral, green friendly (Player vessel) etc.

I know there are bigger fish to fry and it has probably been suggested before but while it was on my mind I thought I would put pen to paper.  As a side note, I am a CC user, EC may be different.


  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    An upgrade to tracking has been asked for many times. It's even less accurate in the EC. 
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Why i farm Plunder Beacons on a barely populated shard, and just transfer the Triton Statuettes over to Atlantic to sell. Tracking Plunder Beacons (or even Dread Pirates) on Atlantic is practically impossible with the seas swarmed with player ships.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,524
    Why i farm Plunder Beacons on a barely populated shard, and just transfer the Triton Statuettes over to Atlantic to sell. Tracking Plunder Beacons (or even Dread Pirates) on Atlantic is practically impossible with the seas swarmed with player ships.

    Got me another Orc slayer book.  Works great on the Orc Crew!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    Why i farm Plunder Beacons on a barely populated shard, and just transfer the Triton Statuettes over to Atlantic to sell. Tracking Plunder Beacons (or even Dread Pirates) on Atlantic is practically impossible with the seas swarmed with player ships.

    Got me another Orc slayer book.  Works great on the Orc Crew!

    Yeah, i use a 100% Fire Orc Slayer Soul Glaive on my Chiv/Thrower for clearing them out. Thankfully the crew is no longer Pumpkinheads, they weren't vulnerable to Orc Slayer during then.
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