Pet Training Gump
Not sure who to address this to.
I have 3 tamers on Oce, all of which probably have about at least 20 pets in various stages of being trained. All are at the furthest level I can take them to and all are just waiting for scrolls. ie, they are at 100% on the 5th level. Given that all of them require a minimum of 8 120 scrolls this is gonna take YEARS before the pets are finished.
Until such time as I get them the 'Pet Training Gump' continually pops up over and over and over and over again. Now on my 15" laptop screen that is the biggest pain in the proverbial. I am continuously dragging it out of the way, but no matter where I put it it s IN THE BLOODY WAY!
I know you allowed the button to permanently close the screen if people had a few points left and they weren't gonna be allocated but MOST of us are waiting on scrolls as I am.
Is there any way possible to put in a 'don't show pet training gump' toggle somewhere so that we only need to have it open if we NEED it?
In actual fact why do we need this at all once the pet has got to 100%. Sure we need the bit where we allocate points but this bit is never used again once you get it to this stage.
The button you gave to close it permanently removes all remaining training points which is no good if you are still waiting for scrolls. But even that is on a different screen which you have to open manually on the lore gump. The above gump should just disappear once you have reached the top 100% on a level 5 pet. There is no more training to be done so why does the gump still need to be popping up?
Cheers MissE
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If you imbue a weapon, but not to its max, say mana leech, because you don't have the materials or can't afford them you still just finish that weapon. Just trying to understand the devs thought process on this.
I hate the message also. Ended up just finishing most pets off because of the cost of scrolls would never be in my reach, and of course, the annoying message.
Cheers MissE