Shard with more activity, Atlantic, housing forget it, best you may be able to place is a very small house there, however the guild UWF may know more on that then I. Catskills has a lot of activity, more room to place. Mine home shard, Sonoma, is quite, But there are a few small guilds that do nightly events. There is room to place a 18x18 for sure there. PAS meets 6 days a week 8pm CDT (USA). You can always check the UO Facebook group. They may have more ideas for you. Good Luck!
I live on the west coast USA and the only shards I would play is the west coast ones. I tried to play Catskills as a second shard because the people were/are very friendly but doing the same things like PvM was hard because of the ping to the east coast USA server. It may be nice to visit all the other shards but to take everything there and not be able to play on a local server would be very hard to do. If you really want to go to Atl then make a char there and play it for an extended time and do the things you normally do to see if you can deal with the laggggg and your play style.
You can find small plots in both tram and fel on atlantic, small meaning the smallest you can place, if you look harder you can find something a little bigger, i scored a nice sized plot in feluca recently, took lots of looking. good luck
Treasure Hunters