
EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator

Povras sat in the chamber, waiting for the guardsmen to return. He admired his surroundings in amazement. He had always wished to visit the castle, admire the architecture, the history, the paintings; everything contained within. However, it was under different and difficult circumstances that he made his journey to request an audience with King Blackthorn. After several minutes more of waiting, the guardsmen finally returned and motioned for Povras to enter the chamber.

“Ah greetings Povras Sibrum!” exclaimed King Blackthorn.

“Greetings your majesty.” replied Povras as he bowed.

“My guardsmen tell me you have some information regarding this infection that has ravaged Serpent’s Hold and Trinsic. Please, come in and be seated.”

Povras nodded as he walked into the chamber. The guardsmen closed the doors behind and stood on opposite sides of the doorway. Povras made his way across the chamber and sat at an empty seat across from King Blackthorn, who was busy looking through various scrolls and parchments that littered his table. After a few moments, Blackthorn spoke while continuing to shuffle through parchments:

“My guardsmen tell me you have urgent news, in regard to this illness. Please, speak.”

Povras hesitated for a moment, unsure if he had the King’s attention. He then said:

“Well your majesty, I come with knowledge of how this illness first came to be, and potentially seeking a cure. You see, a few months ago the merchant ship I was on stopped at an island on our return voyage from Delucia. We encountered some type of a fog, or mist during the layover. It seems that this mist…”

“Yes… yes, I am aware of the mists and how this illness spreads. I have listened to my citizens and governors alike inform me. You mentioned a cure?” inquired King Blackthorn.

Povras sat for a few moments recalling his journey to Moonglow and then replied:

“After the infection ravaged Serpent’s Hold, I took some of the remains of those infected to Moonglow, seeking out an alchemist or a mage… someone who could perhaps help conjure a cure. I was referred to a man named Egoris Ishaan. He was supposed to be the best alchemist on the island. I handed him over the remains with the hopes he could come up with a cure; but he has vanished.”

King Blackthorn looked up attentively. He brushed aside his scrolls and parchments and replied:

“I know well of Egoris. What do you mean that he has vanished?”

“He instructed me to take residence in the Scholar’s Inn and would have results and potentially a cure within a few days. Unfortunately, he… vanished. His chambers were empty, his fellow mages had not seen him, no one; Except for a merchant at the docks. Apparently, he was sighted taking a vessel to Nujel’m.” replied Povras.

A look of grave concern came across King Blackthorn’s face as he sat back in his chair and pondered for a few moments. He motioned for one of the guardsmen to bring some refreshments and then inquired to Povras:

“Tell me, what are your dealings with Nujel’m?”
Povras shook his head and replied:

“None your majesty. We used to occasionally sail by the island, but I have never set foot upon it myself.”

King Blackthorn smiled and motioned for his other guardsmen to leave the chamber. Once the doors shut behind, he stated:

“What I am about to tell you stays between us.”

Povras nodded in acceptance and King Blackthorn continued:

“I have very convincing evidence that one of the Nujel’m noble families, the Odellos in particular are behind the recent carnage in Trinsic. During one of my previous gatherings, the governors and citizens were ambushed by some thugs under the guise of the Odellos; with their trademark rubies left behind. This also was the case a few days before the events that transpired in Trinsic.”

“Rubies in Trinsic as well?” inquired Povras.

King Blackthorn nodded and continued:

“They were littered all over the southern bridge that leads to the barrier island, also a ruby-encrusted brazier with shards of a broken vial scattered about.”

Povras sat in silence for a few moments and inquired:

“What does this mean? Were the Odellos responsible for what happened in Trinsic?”

King Blackthorn smiled as he stood up from his seat and walked over to the guardsman who had returned with a bottle of ale and a few loaves of bread. He then walked over and handed then to Povras.

“I need someone to go to Nujel’m and investigate the House of Odello. Unfortunately, I cannot send my men as this would draw the anger of the Sultan and potentially lead to a larger conflict. Nujel’m is its own state and as such, the Kingdom has no jurisdiction there.” said King Blackthorn.

Povras gulped down the ale as his gaze met Blackthorn’s. He already knew he was the person that the King had in mind to travel to Nujel’m and investigate.

“Who or what am I looking for when I arrive?” inquired Povras.

Blackthorn smirked as he replied:


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