VvV | Sigils glitching

DexxahDexxah Posts: 24
Is there a new feature implemented today in VvV that sigil status in VvV window are supposed to disapere/popup randomly?

Logged in today and both VvV runs this morning had sigils disapering/popup randomly while searching for them.

Note: I was the only thief on both runs.


  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    It's always been bugged. Sometimes it'll show as spawned and when you get close to the location it'll disappear again and restart the respawn timer.

    It's not really a huge deal since it doesn't happen all the time. 
  • DexxahDexxah Posts: 24
    ok. didnt know. never seen it before. and i have returned almost 500 sigils.

    thx for the info!
  • NonelNonel Posts: 33
    Yeah there's always been 2-3 towns where only 3 sigils appear. The 4th is in a location that bugs it and causes it to either disappear instantly or perhaps never appear at all. So the indicator will light up, go dark, and the timer on sigil spawn starts over again. I know Moonglow is one of these towns. Maybe Jhelom. Perhaps....Ocllo? I forget. Been a long time since I found anyone in a VvV zone.
  • DexxahDexxah Posts: 24
    This is verry good info for me!
    Because the three cities you mention, are the three cities im missing the 4th sigil.

    I have found all 4 sigils in 5 cities and missing the 4th in the last 3 cities: Moonglow, Jhelom and Ocllo.

    The disapearing sigil status have happened again. So it means when the 4th missing sigil spawns, it creates the disapearing sigil status.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    I was asked by a player not to post this at the time, but as that's now several years ago, I guess it would be ok now.

  • DexxahDexxah Posts: 24
    Nice ty. seems like i had all on the pictures besides one sigil in the bottom picture. Never had to search for it (top midle). Guess that makes only two cities im missing the 4th sigil.

    Ty again.

  • NonelNonel Posts: 33
    I've never seen that one in Moonglow, Dexxah. It's possible that it only appears properly on some shards.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    I've seen it happen in Brit. Mainly glow and occlo and skara.

    It's not gamebreaking. We can deal with it 
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