Catskills Fishing Contest for the month of April

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
Greetings Everyone

The fishing contest has returned just in time for spring.  So for the month of April we will be after the Spring Dragonfish.  I will take the heaviest fish you turn in between April 1st and April 30th.  Up to 2 per person so choose wisely at which ones you donate.  There is 2 mailboxes at the Britain House of Commons just north of the Britain Moongate where you will drop off your fish to be counted (map below).  I will tally all totals and select a winner, the winner will have a plaque placed at Luna along the Catskills wall of fame.  Some info on the Spring dragon fish can be found here -> ;   but in short it can be found in any body of water located in Ilshenar.  Good Luck everyone


  • PitrPitr Posts: 187

    Some players do not use boards... is there a way to give these news ingame?

    Thank you, Stay at Home and play UO!!!
  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
    It is also posted on the Town Crier and on Facebook.
  • PitrPitr Posts: 187
    Thank you!
  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
    I would like to say congratulations to Adrian Monk for catching the heaviest Spring Dragonfish at 129 stones.  Also a big thank you for all the other participants in this months fishing contest.  Be sure to check out May's fish of the month.
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