Diseased Bark not spawning in Malas Artisan Supply Chests

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
Has anyone else gotten Diseased Bark in an Artisan Supply Chest, on any landmass? If so, disregard this post.

Having done some Malas Artisan Supply treasure chests I have multiples of 11 of the 12 peerless ingredients and plenty of dread horn heads. However, I have 0 Diseased Bark. This is odd since I have 15 or so of each of the minor ingredients and 4-10 of each of the other major ingredients. Even with the RNG, at least 1 Diseased Bark should have showed up by now.

However, I am finding Luminescent Fungi in place of a peerless ingredient. (i.e. gold chest should have 3 peerless ingredients, but instead has 1 taint, 1 scourge, 1 luminescent fungi). I also just happen to be collecting Luminescent Fungi at the same rate as the other major peerless ingredients (think I have 6 from Malas Artisan Supply Chests.)

Luminescent Fungi appears to be spawning in place of Diseased Bark in Malas Artisan Supply chests.

I'm not expecting this to get fixed anytime soon, but thought I'd mention it at least. 


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited March 2020
    Finished another ~30 Malas Artisan Supply. Here is a pic showing the Peerless Ingredients I've looted from Malas Artisan Supply chests. 

    Anyway, seems to me that Luminescent Fungi is indeed taking the place of Diseased Bark.

    Obviously not a priority, but it'd be nice to see the system spawn all 12 Peerless Ingredients and not 11 Peerless Ingredients + 1 Lumberjacking Ingredient. Just for the sake of consistency. One more thing to add to the list.....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Would have been nice if they did not spawn the Dreadhorn head.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited March 2020
    Pawain said:
    Would have been nice if they did not spawn the Dreadhorn head.
    I remember that being talked about during the testing of Pub 105. Seems like since it was brought up during testing this must have been intended. Maybe they were thinking all 12 Peerless Ingredients and Dreadhorn head? No idea...

    Or, maybe I'm misunderstanding the system and Dreadhorn head is spawning in place of Diseased Bark, with Luminescent Fungi spawning for some other reason? 

    I just keep thinking of Wilki wanting to give us Valentine's Day something and giving us bacon instead. I suspect that UO's code base is even more convoluted than we players think it is...

    Edit: Honestly, I'm not even sure this is a bug. With so many of UO's themes broken up into bits and pieces in various systems, maybe this is the intended design???

    Edit 2: Hey @Petra_Fyde, you do a lot of those chests in Exodus/Khaldun that give Peerless Ingredients right? Do you get Diseased Bark from them?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Judging from the drop rate of diseased bark compared to the other things from the Peerless:

    I have 200+ of blight, corruption, and mucilent. 100 of the ones with the taint graphic. Only 33 diseased bark.  You need to do more to get the bark.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    Pawain said:
    Judging from the drop rate of diseased bark compared to the other things from the Peerless:

    I have 200+ of blight, corruption, and mucilent. 100 of the ones with the taint graphic. Only 33 diseased bark.  You need to do more to get the bark.

    You got those 33 Diseased Bark from t-maps? Or from fighting Lady Melisande?

    If those numbers are from fighting peerless, then they look about right for common, uncommon, and single mob ingredients.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Why wouldnt the chests be the same?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493

    Edit 2: Hey @ Petra_Fyde, you do a lot of those chests in Exodus/Khaldun that give Peerless Ingredients right? Do you get Diseased Bark from them?
    The peerless ingredients come from stealing from the zealots, not the hidden boxes, yes I have had bark, but rarely. Mostly if you get a peerless ingredient it's blight, scourge, taint etc.
    Boxes have imbuing essences, invis or parasitic potions or smoke bombs. 
    Most steals, of course, all you get is gems and gold.  I've not done it much lately, Exodus keys not being needed.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    Pawain said:
    Why wouldnt the chests be the same?
    My understanding of Peerless Ingredients is that the 3 common and 3 uncommon are shared by all bosses, but each of the 6 bosses also drops an ingredient unique to that boss. I.E. Diseased Bark would only be available from Lady Melisande. So, you'd end up with a distribution where you had far more common than uncommon and far more uncommon than unique.

    Obviously, the t-map loot is not being distributed that way. The distribution is close to even, and in one case I have more of a unique than of an uncommon.

    So, to me, it looks like the t-map drop system is separate from the boss drop system.

    Which lead me to the question for Petra. I was thinking maybe Kyronix had re-used the drop system from dungeon boxes for t-maps and the bug had been pre-existing. As per her reply, that's obviously not the case.

    I would agree with you on just doing more t-maps, except for one thing: when Luminescent Fungi spawns, it spawns in place of a Peerless Ingredient. I'm still going to do a bunch more Malas Artisan Supply :), I just don't think any Diseased Bark will ever appear!

    Also, I should reiterate that to me this is minor. I just noticed and thought I'd post the discrepancy.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited September 2020
    Hey @Kyronix or @Misk,

    I finished up another run of 100 Malas Artisan Supply Maps. Still have not seen 1 Diseased Bark.

    Here is a pic of the distribution of Peerless Ingredients from Malas Artisan Supply maps I have collected so far. (Missing 30 Scourge, 30 Putrefaction, and 3 Eye of Travesty - from making 3 Spell Woven Britches.)

    Again, this is not a big deal, just pointing this out to add it to the backlog of stuff to fix.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    IMO all peerless items should be removed from T chests.  Should have never been put into them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Pawain said:
    IMO all peerless items should be removed from T chests.  Should have never been put into them.
    Why do you feel this way? If I can get ingredients for a scrapper’s compendium, I’m into it. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    You can do peerless to get those.  Now all you have to do is open a chest, kill some easy creatures and walk off with the ingredients in 5 minutes.  Lets put Doom and Roof drops in chests in banks now...
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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