Fellowship halloween vendor missing from East Britain (Baja, Izumo, Origin)

VioletViolet Posts: 435
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

When you changed the mechanics of the Halloween vendors, you stated that Halloween reward vendors would be taken down the following Halloween, giving people a year to collect their rewards.  The fellowship Halloween vendors are missing from Baja, Origin and Izumo.  There was no mention of this in the patch notes.  This change was poorly communicated and I'm sure many players are going to be caught off guard by this change, and it's already too late for the Baja, Origin and Izumo players.  I respectfully ask for them to be brought back so people can turn in their rewards.


  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Per the January newsletter:

    The Fellowship Shop will be closing and the mini-quest in Blackthorn's Dungeon will be cleaned up.

    I agree it should have been mentioned elsewhere, such as the patch notes, but it was mentioned.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    As I said, it wasn't in the Patchnotes. Patchnotes are to list important changes to the game. They listed blackthorns, they did not list anything about the fellowship vendor. 

    Not everyone gets the newsletter, you have to subscribe to it.  Nor can it be accessed easily from the uo.com webpage without going through a convoluted mess.  

    Try it from the main page:
    media.... then newsletter archive (only goes until May 2019).... you then have to click on a past newsletter, then pick past issues in the upper right hand.  There are two issues with the same number.  

    As I said it was poorly communicated, which it was and a lot of people are going to be caught out by it.  At the very least it should have been in the original set of patch notes if it was going to change.


    Other issues: Because of the Blackthorns revert there is no way to currently get a medallion necklace to do the tabard quest on Baja, Origin and Izumo.  Is this intended?

  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    this halloween turn in should have gone way earlier than this...it was on for like 6 months you cant complain about this
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Agreed that it should go away. But also think the Pumpkin rowboat and helmet should have come before Halloween! Who knows, there may have been problems and the Devs didn't want to rush it. They wanted to get it right! *shrugs*
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    This complaint stems comes from the change made in Publish 101 that indicated all Halloween turn-in vendors would remain for 1 full year and only be removed when the next event/vendor were going to be available:

    Whether you agree with the removal of the vendor or not, we are asking for consistency based on information given previously.

    The newsletter is not patch notes, nor did it explicitly state the vendor would be turned off in Publish 108, only that it was on the 2020 roadmap. 
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  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    The highlighted statement was in reference to the year long period following Publish 101 which would allow players to spend their remaining points from the 2017 & 2018 iteration of the Treasures of Halloween event.  This was not intended to be an indication that all points would be available indefinitely.  The current publish notes have been updated to reflect the changes outlined in the newsletter.  We apologize for any ambiguity.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  

    With regard to the fellowship necklace, given they are not character bound this is working as intended.  In our view there should be a benefit to participating in an event at the time of that event.  In the event there is a shortage of these necklaces available, we will look at the making them available pending the future of the related content.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Why do we need more medallions?  Am I missing something?

    I do need 3 robe colors  to finish my 3rd set.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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