Rorschach, an exit poll? lol

If yall can't figure out the problem from reading the boards, I doubt anything in a poll will help educate anyone.

Unless of course, the poll isn't modded to the point where only roses can be sent.


  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Name any game that gives players EVERYTHING they want? I can't think of many where the developers even converse with players. 

    Bottom line is it's their game. People need to take it or leave it and stop whining about it. 

    PS: I believe there is an exit poll when you push the button to close your account. 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited March 2020
    I don't know, I thought telling a long term customer who is voicing concern through the official communication channel, "Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out!" was always good customer service policy.


    Look at it this way, that probably just guaranteed 14 new IDOC's! B)

    Honestly, if Ezekiel actually has 14 paid accounts, someone on the team may want to issue an apology for the rude sendoff and take a listen to what he/she has to say. Even just listening might save you a customer there.

    Urge said:
    …. I can't think of many where the developers even converse with players. 

    Bottom line is it's their game. People need to take it or leave it and stop whining about it. 

    PS: I believe there is an exit poll when you push the button to close your account. 
    Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, Shadowrun Chronicles, Railway Empire, Baulder's Gate, X-Com, Fallout, Diablo, Windward, Stellar Tactics, Star Traders......I can't think of many where the developers don't converse with players.

    Enough people keep leaving and there won't be anything to whine about. And yea, there is an exit form to fill out when you cancel your account. 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Rorscach didn't say a single word out of the way though. When you close your accounts immediately i think you can fill out an exit poll on why. 

    There was no voicing concerns. The i don't like this so i'll threaten to quit method is stale. But i'm sure lacking $800 a year will really stick it to the man though. 

    It is THEIR game. They get paid to build it the way they want not how we want. People don't like it go build your own world. 
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    I was speechless when I read that comment and saw it closed. Customer service at its finest.

    Most games the Devs interact with the players. This is now not one of those games. I will admit, they used to, and it was great. No, not this current team. Is what it is. Money talks.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Urge said:

    It is THEIR game. They get paid to build it the way they want not how we want. People don't like it go build your own world. 

    Um, they have. Have you seen the amount of free shards out there? No, I do not play them. I like to support the official shards, but am thinking at looking at them. 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    jelinidas said:
    I was speechless when I read that comment and saw it closed. Customer service at its finest.

    Most games the Devs interact with the players. This is now not one of those games. I will admit, they used to, and it was great. No, not this current team. Is what it is. Money talks.
    It was closed because it had zero substance with nothing more to add.

    Devs wanted punkbuster and the players bucked. Players still complained about cheaters so they make idocs like this and everyone is losing their minds. It doesn't matter what direction they go someone is acting just like Uriah stomping feet and threatening. It's rather childish. 

    This team is so mistreated it's unreal and people wonder why they don't interact much. 

    Honestly, if i were Rorschach i would have ended it with a Good luck on your future endeavors.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Wait, what did I threaten with?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    By not removing the thread, Ezekiel_Zane's feelings on the matter can quite clearly still be seen. However by locking the thread, his post can not be trolled.
    This team interacts with players at regular, monthly intervals in game. Kyronix and sometimes Bleak can frequently be found on Test Center. The fact that they only post here when they have something of substance to say doesn't mean they don't read here. If they posted as much as some people seem to think they should they would never get anything else done.
    Having said that, I think this thread has trolled the board long enough.

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