A Fine Vintage

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator

Egoris Ishaan entered the dimly lit chamber and scanned the room for his contact. Across the room a shadowy figure was seated next to a bookshelf, lost in study of a tome he was holding.

“Anumi! How are you doing my friend?” inquired Egoris.

Anumi looked up from his reading and smiled as he saw Egoris. He closed the tome and set it down on the table next to him.

“Ah Egoris! It has been far too long! How have you been? These are troubled times indeed. I am glad to see you are well!”

Egoris smiled as he carefully set his satchel down on the table and greeted Anumi with a hug. Anumi offered a goblet of wine and some fruits to which Egoris gladly accepted as the two sat down at the table. Anumi then inquired:

“Tell me, what have you found out about this nastiness so far?”

Egoris finished sipping his wine and replied:

“Well, this is a strange illness to say the very least. From what details Povras Sibrum was able to provide me, it seems that this disease takes its roots from old pagan magics. Back at the island the ill-fated voyage landed at, there was an unknown necromancer attempting to summon, or perhaps awaken the lich Toxul.”

Anumi pondered for a few moments and inquired:

“What of this necromancer? Any ideas of who he is or his motives?”

Egoris shook his head as he took a sip of wine and replied:

“He was killed during whatever ritual he was performing. Apparently, there was very little left of him to identify who he was. It seems Toxul tore him apart.”

Anumi reached for a wooden pipe that was on the table as he sat back in his chair. He then began to break up some dried leaves and place them into the pipe. He then reached across the table for the candle and lit the pipe. After a few puffs he inquired:

“This disease that killed Povras’s crew and spread to Serpent’s Hold, were you able to find out anything of use?”

Egoris nodded and replied:

“Aye. It is very odd indeed. I researched with some of the samples that Povras brought me. It seems that those infected with the disease acquire it by inhaling the mists for a prolonged period of time. Once infected, the persons skin begins to… turn green and almost rot away. This is followed by an unnatural strength and anger to attack anything nearby.”

“What is this mist you speak of?” inquired Anumi.

“Well, during the voyage to the island, Povras indicated that it was shrouded in a thick mist and he lost some members of the crew. I can only assume they stayed there long enough for some of them to become infected.” replied Egoris.

Anumi sat in deep though for several moments as he puffed away at his pipe. He then inquired:

“I assume you have brought be something of use. Otherwise you would not be here?”

Egoris smiled and motioned to the satchel on the table as he finished chewing some fruit. He then reached inside and took out a large flask containing a milky liquid and a small pouch and set them onto the table. He then replied:

“I was able to concentrate the disease into the flask. All you need to do is throw it into fire. Then, the mists will form.”

Anumi leaned forward, picked up the flask and inspected it very closely. He then looked over at the pouch on the table. His gaze then met Egoris. Egoris smiled as he took the pouch and spilled its contents onto the table. Although the room was very dimly lit, the rubies contained within the pouch sparkled spectacularly on the table. Anumi smiled as he stood up and took a bottle of wine off of the bookshelf and offered Egoris another helping. Egoris smiled in approval, and took a large gulp once poured.

“I am in your debt Egoris, you shall be handsomely rewarded for this. I assure you it will be put to good use.” said Anumi.

Anumi then walked across to the other side of the chamber and pulled on a chain that was dangling off of the wall. The faint ringing of a bell could be heard from outside of the room. He then said:

“Ah, now we will feast! My servant will be down here shortly!”

Egoris smiled as he finished the rest of the wine in his goblet. He then inquired:

“Where will you be taking the flask?”

Anumi chuckled for a moment, and replied:

“Well now, I cannot divulge all of our plans, now can I?”

After a few minutes, Egoris began to feel a bit inebriated. He looked down at his empty goblet and attempted to pick it up but slumped over onto the table. He mumbled:

“Wha… what have you… have you done?”

Anumi smiled as two armor-clad men carrying halberds entered the chamber. One of them inquired:

“Yes, Master Mazetti, what do you need?”

Anumi motioned for the two to remove the corpse of Egoris from the chamber. He then took the vial of liquid, set it on the bookshelf next to the bottle of poisoned wine and returned to his chair to continue reading.

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