Entries from the Journal of Povras Sibrum

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator

Day 67:


It seems that this disease, or illness has spread to Serpent’s Hold. I have no doubts it came from where our scuttled ship washed ashore on the Southern island. The guardsmen of Serpent’s Hold fought very bravely, albeit against their own townsfolk. The infected showed the same symptoms as the rest of my crew before they perished… Boils on their bodies, a greenish tint to their skin… and unhuman strength combined with a rage.


The infected have been killed off, and the Serpent’s Hold guard maintains a camp just to the West of the only path to the Southern island. I only hope the infection does not spread to the rest of the populace. Many have suggested that we search for a cure for this illness. I have with me some of the remains of the infected. I am going to take these to a renowned alchemist and see if he can come up with anything of use.


Day 70:


After a short voyage aboard a merchant ship, I arrived in the city of Moonglow. I asked the townsfolk if they could point me to the direction of a skilled alchemist. It seems the general consensus is a fellow by the name of Egoris Ishaan is the best of the best in Moonglow, some say all of Britannia. Unfortunately, they say that his services come at a very expensive price. I only hope I can convince him to help out of any good will that he may harbor, as I hardly have enough coin to keep myself fed…


Day 71:


After meeting with Egoris, he seemed very intrigued about my journey thus far… The simple voyage to Delucia, exploring the mysterious island and cave in the Lost Lands, my ability to muster together the citizens willing to help, and staying alive throughout it all. I must say I felt a brief moment of pride… But his tone quickly changed over to business. After I gave him the pouch that contained a few samples of the infected remains, he took them and observed them very closely… It felt like an hour or more that he was just looking at them, trying to discern what could cause this kind of illness. Surprisingly, he paid me a handsome amount of coin for bringing him the samples and instructed me to find some lodging at the Scholar’s Inn. It would be a few days at the very least before he would have any results from his experiments…

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