My custem stone work castle.
I was happy when they added stone work to the game. Then they did the castle Design Contests. I was never really able to join the contest not much time to spend on game with family irl comeing frist.
So over a year I stated working on my castle with the stonework. Here are each floor.
Let me know what you think.
So over a year I stated working on my castle with the stonework. Here are each floor.
Let me know what you think.

I really like the look of the castle was trying to make it look more grandeur.
Would love if I could move the center tower up to the one side for a larger courtyard. I tried to enter the contest but did not finish it.
And picking the old style over the new ones and adding what I wanted was better off then changing it to the newer ones.
Most of the old style I have seen are just massive cubes.
some of the new styles are ok but the cost is extremely expensive imho
I wish they would just allow full customizing on them
Then you have the balcony that was always in my plans but toke me awhile to plan it out.
I think knowing what I know now it might be only 50 or so hours. And I know I started out with 10k stone and about 40 hammers and still have some left.