Is it "legal" to buy gametime codes from other players for gold?
My understanding is that it's not. But the question came up on the "other" forum. With another poster saying it was fine to do so.@Mesanna @Bleak @Kyronix If possible please respond with a quick no, or yes, so this can be answered decisively. Thanks!
If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
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Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Sometimes, in some countries, the exact same digital products or codes are sold for a significantly different pricing because of regionalization, different cost of living and all that.
Usually, this is avoided by Publishers, to my understanding, by blocking out of that Country ISPs to be able to purchase those Digital products/codes at those reduced pricing from those Countries who have them cheaper.
Same thing with Promotions and discounted sales which, at times, might be available for a given country but not for another.
And masking one's own IP address, to my understanding, to bypass those regionalization restrictions, I seem to understand is something not permitted.
Having someone else buy it in the Country that has them cheaper, and then sell it for in game currency, likely at a discounted price since the original real currency cost was reduced to start with, because of that regionalization, basically I guess, might hurt sales in those countries that have higher prices for those same digital products/codes....
As an example, and I am just making up numbers for the sake of the discussion, if a monthly subscription code for playing a game online costs 10 in country A, but only 5 in country B (of that same one currency of course), a player living in country A would be better off not buying the code in their own country at 10 but buy it in game for in-game currency from someone who purchased it in their own country at 5 since the in-game currency charged, will be, chances are, I would imagine, reflecting an initial cost of 5, not of 10....
I imagine, then, that buying these things/codes in game might, perhaps, hurt the overall world sales for the Publisher....
Am I wrong in my thinking ?
They do not recommend you do that. And they will have no clue if you did do that.
Prettly clear.
And if you buy a code that doesn't work, don't page about it, there will be no recourse for you.
Dunno how much simpler it can get
Some of the sellers that I know provide original Order # receipt of purchase (original from and code is delivered from origin.
as far as everyone knows , you cant say or promote on Gen chat that kind of thing, because than you will be into the solicitation ban hahah.
you can buy sovereigns , you can buy tokens, you can buy a lot of things and resell ingame for gold, there is nothing wrong with that and the money are going into UO's pocket or Origin. as long as the code is not from a Russian site, I dont see any problem with.
Furthermore, if the seller is based in a higher income Country, if all of their World Wide sales were to be based on the lowest common denominator, they might then not be able to get by with the taxes/management costs which they have to endure in that higher income Country (which has higher salaries, office space costs etc. etc.).
Having Customers dodge Regionalization might at times become quite an issue to the accounting of a Company selling those items, if it happens too often, I would need to imagine.
This sometimes also happens with physical goods which are purchased by resellers in a Country where they are cheaper and then, through various channels, taken to Countries where they are sold at a higher price and often, this way, the reseller can still price the goods cheaper even if including the various shipping costs and middlemen as compared to those same goods sold in that higher cost of living Country.
It should be also noted, at least to my opinion, that this moving around of goods likely has a bad side effect of contributing to Global Warming, since the shipping across the Planet of all these goods I need to imagine has an impact because of the CO2 emitted for the transportation of all of such goods.....
Digital goods may be different of course, but I don't think anyone is keen on testing that expensive question.
In the end though, BS and EA can ban who they want for whatever reason they want, so whether its allowed in game seems to be as long as it snot obtained first in a bad fashion such as code theft or bute force etc.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.