Davie's Locker display of cohordinates question...,.

As it is known, the Davie's Locker displays 2 figures for either a Map or an SOS.

Now, UO, to my understanding, uses instead 2 cohordinates determined by 4 figures to indicate a tile.

The symbol o which indicates degrees and the symbol ' which indicates minutes. For example, the location 55o 25'N 100o 3'W represents 55 degrees 25 minutes north latitude, 100 degrees 3 minutes west longitude.

Now, and this especially for SOSes, of course one would want to grab a bunch of SOS "moreless" in the same area and do them all at once to reduce the wasted sailing times....

Question is, "how to tell", based on ONLY the 2 figures shown in the Davie's Locker, what Maps are moreless in that same area ?

Thanks for the help !


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Davies shows degrees and direction, only the 'fine tuning' of the minutes is missing. the example you give above would show in the davies as 55N 100W
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Mariah said:
    Davies shows degrees and direction, only the 'fine tuning' of the minutes is missing. the example you give above would show in the davies as 55N 100W

    Thank you, but in order to gather all of the SOSes "moreless" in the same area thus to reduce the sailing to go back and forth, give or take, from what Degrees and Direction to what Degrees and Direction should I "pick" from the Davie's locker ?

    For example, if a SOS is shown in the Davie's as 55N 100W, looking at ALL other SOSes, "which" other ones should I pick along with that 55N 100W so as to have them all "moreless" in the same area thus to reduce the waste of time ?

    Also, it would be enormously beneficial if the Davie's Locker could be set to "Organize" all Maps and SOSes according to their locations.... so, one would have all of the "moreless" closer locations be close to one another.... it would be a great time saver....
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Seems simple Popps, get as close to those 2 numbers as you can with the other maps you have.  This is a simple number logic question. Pick out a few, get the ones you deem closest and try them, then you can determine how far out to go on either side of the 2 numbers.  It ain't that complicated.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited January 2020
    You could, I suppose, print off the facet map with co-ordinates and plot your mibs on it?

  • And Popps, before you ask, that trammel co-ord map will be the same in Fel, if you choose to do them there

  • vortexvortex Posts: 249
    I just Google search the map facet for the map I'm doing to get to the general area and when close zoom in on treasure map and compare to the radar map and I often get it with 2 digs... Never bother with coordinants it's easy
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    After many years, you just get to know where coordinates are.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Easiest way to do both is in the EC.  

    SOS.  Put em all in, open map, look at where the dots are.  Go to spot with most dots :P

    TMap. Open map, look at game map to find spot, go there, scale your map BIG, mark a waypoint at roughly the right spot, go there and dig.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    I group mine in 45 degree chunks. 0N to 45N with 0W to 45 W then 0N to 45N with 45W to 90W and so on. Since the map in the EC shows the locations of the shipwrecks I just recall to the nearest area on land, launch the ship, go to the nearest shipwreck, hull it up, move to next shipwreck.  I have a rune book library that gets me to within 10 degrees of anywhere on land. So recalling close to a shipwreck is not an issue.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Parnoc said:
    Seems simple Popps, get as close to those 2 numbers as you can with the other maps you have.  This is a simple number logic question. Pick out a few, get the ones you deem closest and try them, then you can determine how far out to go on either side of the 2 numbers.  It ain't that complicated.

    It is unusual, though, to get 2 SOSes with "both" numbers close to one another..... often, 1 of them might be close to the other but the other one might be way a different one....

    But the Map that @Mariah kindly linked to, should make it easier to "visually" identify in what quadrant 2 different SOSes might be into.....

    I still wished, though, that it was possible to set a filter for the Davie's Locker to "cluster" those Maps or SOSes that have cohordinates moreless close to one another..... it would be a time saver..... rather then have to check them one by one against a Global Map, and then tell which Maps or SOSes were close to another, the filter would do it for us..... the player would only need to grab those clustered close to one another and go dig them or fish them up.....

    As I said, quite  a time saver.....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    MissE said:
    Easiest way to do both is in the EC.  

    SOS.  Put em all in, open map, look at where the dots are.  Go to spot with most dots :P

    TMap. Open map, look at game map to find spot, go there, scale your map BIG, mark a waypoint at roughly the right spot, go there and dig.

    Could you please explain better how it works in the Enhanced Client or point me to a Link where it is explained please ?

    I use the Classic Client so, I am not used to the Enhanced Client at all.

    Is that using Pinco's UI or without ?

    Do I just need to fill my backpack of SOSes or Treasure Maps (only the main or also inside containers work ?) and then, opening the General Map of Sosaria, it would show with dots where all the Maps or SOSes that I have in my Backpack are located thus giving me the ability to "see" which ones were to be close to one another ?

    At that point, though, if I remove 1 Map or SOS from my backpack, the dot automatically disappears from the General Map ?

    The reason for asking this, is that, if I load up, say, my backpack with 100 SOSes or 100 Treasure Maps and get a whole bunch of dots scattered all over the General Sosaria Map, I have no idea which of those 100 SOSes or Treasure Maps in my backpack is linked to what dot in the General Map..... so, if I have dots which are not clustered close to one another, I have no clue to tell which of the 100 SOSes or Treasure Maps I put in my backpack corresponds to what dot on the General Map....

    I am trying to find a way to streamline the process and make it consume the shortest time possible....

    Thanks !
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    in the default EC you just open an sos, select the facet and it places a yellow dot on your  map where the sos is.   I generally get about 50 out , plot them then just go to the areas with the most dots, and work my way from there.  The dots will stay there normally for ages however sometimes they just 'disappear' and you need to replot them.  No idea why they do that. It isnt a big deal to open them and select the facet again if they do disappear. Make sure once you plot them you log in and log out just in case you disconnect, the plotting doesn't stay if  you disdonnect before logging out.   This only works with sos's.   They are all in the ocean so pretty obvious they are the sos's.

    Tmaps I just do one at a time although I may carry 4-5 in my pack if I intend to do that many.  Just open the map, find the area on my game map, then just scale in to make the game map big and put a way point on the spot where it is.   (right click and select add waypoint) 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
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