The Temple Of Abhorrence, Part 2

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
Day 25:

I don't know what came over Stalvas, but he attacked the crew with enormous strength... I have never seen someone as strong as he was the other day... He killed three of the crew before he was subdued. Even after the fatal blow, he we still struggling and trying to attack us...

Day 28:

We reached the Serpents Pillar, but at great cost. We lost two more crew members to some sort of sickness... Their eyes... Their eyes turned a milky white... And the boils, all over their bodies...

Day 33:

The captain is gone, he succumbed to whatever disease the crew seems to be infected with. It is just me and Mavjek left... And he doesn't look to be too healthy either. I'll have to keep a close eye on him...

Day 38:

Mavjek is dead. I am the last of the crew. I am somewhere close to Serpent's Hold. I am going to try my best to get there and warn anyone of that dreadful island... Perhaps we can muster up a force to avenge the crew...
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