Sonoma holiday Community Pictures

EM XanthusEM Xanthus Posts: 73Event Moderator
edited December 2019 in Sonoma
Greetings Sonoma,

Here are some of the picture taken during the event. Thanks to Cinderella for providing some of the pictures:

5.jpg 350.5K
2.jpg 446.3K
4.jpg 387.5K
1.jpg 438.7K
6.jpg 373.2K
3.jpg 521.3K
7.jpg 362.6K
11.jpg 242.5K
9.jpg 367K
12.jpg 348.8K
8.jpg 388.6K
10.jpg 348.1K


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    You are welcome...

    It was nice to see you dress up for the occassion

    And I also got a screenshot of a lil bitty creature I saw earlier.
    I went to the mage shop to buy supplies for a trade run.
    And imagine my surprise when i saw a flash of color.

    very pretty and stylish... hehe
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