Angelwood Warehouse Christmas Party

MissEMissE Posts: 782
edited December 2019 in Oceania

Hi guys,

animated christmas tree gif

MissEcho and Angelwood Mall would like to invite you all to the Angelwood Warehouse Christmas Party:

When:  Sat 21st December
Time:    1pm onwards (Sydney Au)
Location: Angelwood Warehouse

All welcome to celebrate 2019 Christmas.  

All attendees to get a pressie in thanks for support during the year.  Have a drink and a few nibbles.  If enough attend then I will also open the Casino (same venue) to have bit of fun.  

To get to the warehouse take the teleport with the red sparkle Angelwood Vendor Mall SW Luna.

Cheers MissE

For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum


  • Thank you for the party and gift MissE. Our little group from Legends enjoyed it.
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    Yes, a big thanks MissE, had a great time and always appreciate the effort you put into your events and running the casino and the pressies :D

    Was great to meet a few faces from outa town too!
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