Sugar Quest plz

Is Sugar come from Bamboo ? I get Bamboo seads
There Can Be Only One
The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
" Guild name " Pro newbies Guild
*guild for new players*
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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Yes.   Those are sugar cane plants not bamboo.

    You get them from: 
    Plague Beast,  Juka Mage,  Kappa
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • prahapraha Posts: 167
    edited December 2019
    seed name is Bamboo , oke I go plant them

    oke miss read , now I get problem , cannot delete them from my Bed plants dam me
    There Can Be Only One
    The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
    " Guild name " Pro newbies Guild
    *guild for new players*
    Streamer :
  • prahapraha Posts: 167
    dam :/

    There Can Be Only One
    The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
    " Guild name " Pro newbies Guild
    *guild for new players*
    Streamer :
  • prahapraha Posts: 167
    oke I plant seeds like old days  :p  ehe.... ty for help
    There Can Be Only One
    The Glorious Lord Praha Baron of Britain "Europa player"
    " Guild name " Pro newbies Guild
    *guild for new players*
    Streamer :
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    I thought there was a button on the plant gump that allowed you to dump that plant, pretty sure there is.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    The button is in the lower right corner.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator

    The part relevant to removing seeds is:

    Understanding the Plant Gump

    First page

    Bottom Right Corner – this icon is dependent upon whether the plant is in a pot or in earth (either garden bed or Magincia). Clicking on this brings up the options to either empty the bowl or abandon the plot. If the plant is in the seed or sapling stage, this will result the seed placed in your backpack, plus the bowl if it was in one. If the plant had grown beyond the sapling phase the plant will be destroyed, the bowl, if there is one, will be placed in your backpack.

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