Really need some additions to granite customization for classic keeps and castles.

Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
edited November 2019 in Homes & Castles

Firstly, I really enjoy designing and customizing houses in UO.  It's really, seriously, one of the top three reasons I'm still playing UO.  

The use of granite to customize the classic keep and castle was a great addition even with it's limitations.  Mostly not being able to remove a wall or to utilize the wasted space on the first floor of the keep.

Unfortunately, the design is not complete.  There's only one door type for example not counting the hidden granite doors. The steel door is just not suited to interior doors.

1. Wood doors - add couple of wooden door types to the carpenters tool
2. Barred metal door - add to tinkers tool

3. Half wall - doesn't even exist in the housing tool; really needs to be added to both systems
4. Wood floor tiles

There's more but those are the basics.  

Obviously I really really just want to customize my own keeps and castles.  The contests were fun but just didn't produce anything I want to use as my own.  The lag issue argument just doesn't fly with me. 

In a custom castle you can place thousands of pavers and wall pieces which don't even count against the castle's storage.  Then have 7500 more items in deco and storage.  Then have 100s of mannequins fully dressed, armored and armed for thousands and thousands more items that also don't count against the castle's storage which nobody seems to care about that lag.

The poor design and/or eyesore issues really is a moot point too.  Who cares?  There's already disgusting looking houses all over the place.  Some even won in the castle and keep contests.  Exactly how is some players hideous, ugly design going to detract from the experience of the game?  It won't.  And again, who cares.  If your his/her neighbor, then move away.


  • Firstly, I really enjoy designing and customizing houses in UO.  It's really, seriously, one of the top three reasons I'm still playing UO.  

    The use of granite to customize the classic keep and castle was a great addition even with it's limitations.  Mostly not being able to remove a wall or to utilize the wasted space on the first floor of the keep.

    Unfortunately, the design is not complete.  There's only one door type for example not counting the hidden granite doors. The steel door is just not suited to interior doors.

    1. Wood doors - add couple of wooden door types to the carpenters tool
    2. Barred metal door - add to tinkers tool

    3. Half wall - doesn't even exist in the housing tool; really needs to be added to both systems
    4. Wood floor tiles

    There's more but those are the basics.  

    Obviously I really really just want to customize my own keeps and castles.  The contests were fun but just didn't produce anything I want to use as my own.  The lag issue argument just doesn't fly with me. 

    In a custom castle you can place thousands of pavers and wall pieces which don't even count against the castle's storage.  Then have 7500 more items in deco and storage.  Then have 100s of mannequins fully dressed, armored and armed for thousands and thousands more items that also don't count against the castle's storage which nobody seems to care about that lag.

    The poor design and/or eyesore issues really is a moot point too.  Who cares?  There's already disgusting looking houses all over the place.  Some even won in the castle and keep contests.  Exactly how is some players hideous, ugly design going to detract from the experience of the game?  It won't.  And again, who cares.  If your his/her neighbor, then move away.
    *underline this complety*

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • BruceBruce Posts: 27
    I make my metal doors out of copper to approximate the look of wood. But I agree, some more choices would be nice.
  • JaycorvusJaycorvus Posts: 16
    I'm on board with this!
  • When Mesanna and the developers visited Drachenfels a few weeks ago, I asked approximately the same thing. While their answer was kind and polite, it was a clear "no".
    It's a shame, but I understand the reason. Expanding the number of granite objects too much would result in lag of the same magnitude as letting us create and customize plots from scratch like we presently can do on Test Center.
    The only thing you can hope, is that more castle & keep design contests come and that your design eventually wins.
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