Confused about what currently is Permanent and what is Timed Event content....

Does anyone know, of the current Yearly event, what is timed content, including the pertaining Rewards that will go away (when ? deadlines ?) and what will remain as permanent content ?

For example, Treasure Hunting and the Mysterious Fragments.....

WIll these Mysterious fragments, whatever they are needed for (someone speculates to trigger the upcoming Spawn at Shrines...), be going away at some point (when ?) and stop spawning ?

And what about Soulbinding and the Fellowship Silver with its Rewards ?

Again, permanent or temporary content ? If content, until when will it run ?

One could keep going.... there is too much content to sort through for the player with a limited gaming time and, obviously, not having the time to do all type of content, one need to make priorities...

And it would make sense, at least to my viewing, to prioritize playing the limited time Event and Rewards in order to enjoy this and get the pertaning Rewards until they are available and before they are gone for good....

But which is which ?

Without knowing for sure what will be permanent new content and what instead is time limited and when the pertaining dealines are, it is hard to make priorities for those players with limited playing time....

@Kyronix , could you kindly help us out here with telling us which is which and what the deadlines on the limited time content will be ?

Thanks !


  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    All that info is in the patch notes - read and comprehend. Exact end dates will be announced in future patch notes.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited November 2019
    All they tell is that the fragments are in fact "Mysterious". I read it that they don't know either what to do with them yet.

    They said they will give notice before it goes away. But you can decide yourself what 2 months olds words are worth here.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Marge said:
    All that info is in the patch notes - read and comprehend. Exact end dates will be announced in future patch notes.
    If I am posting it here, perhaps it means that from the ptch notes it ain't so clear ?

    Just perhaps ?

    Not to mention, that there is many players whose mother language is not english and they might perhaps understand even less from the Publish notes....

    What would be wrong in having it said, cut and CLEAR, what content is temporary (and the pertaining deadline) and what will permanently stay, all in one page for players to read clearly and without any misunderstanding ??
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Publish 104 'Rising Tide' is an event, detailed here. The content will go away, eventually. As you are aware, it was asked that the black market remain longer than the duration of the event. We currently have no date for his removal. All else in publish 104 notes is permanent content.

    Publish 105 'Forgotten Treasures' is almost all permanent content, except the mini event

    Publish 106 'Forsaken Foes' has the event 'Treasures of the Seas'. All else is permanent content
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Has there been any specific mention as to whether Tritons will remain attainable post Rising Tide.  Presumably the ability to obtain new maritime cargo will end.  The black market guy will remain, so those with points or stored cargo could still claim one as long as he stays. 

    Will there be a means for players to obtain new materials for points or will another avenue be made available for this pet?  Or will it eventually go the way of the Dreadmare and the Bane Dragon?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Mariah said:
    Publish 104 'Rising Tide' is an event, detailed here. The content will go away, eventually. As you are aware, it was asked that the black market remain longer than the duration of the event. We currently have no date for his removal. All else in publish 104 notes is permanent content.

    Publish 105 'Forgotten Treasures' is almost all permanent content, except the mini event

    Publish 106 'Forsaken Foes' has the event 'Treasures of the Seas'. All else is permanent content
    I am particularly concerned about Crafting Recipes...

    I "assume" that they are permanent content, considered how they are a fundamental necessity to a Crafter.... but hey, one never knows....

    Can you please confirm, @Mariah , that any and all "new" Crafting Recipes are here to staym as permanent content and will not cease to be offered at some point ?
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541

    Recipes in the Black Market and on the Fellowship Vendor /should/ only be available for the duration of their /limited/ release /during/ the event arc. That's what makes the event(s) worth doing - and creates rarities. I don't expect _every_ crafter to be able to get _every_ recipe... I see this as a way to help promote a bit of community... you didn't get that Crimson Sword Belt recipe? Well, /find/ a crafter who did and work out something! maybe you got the Fortune Cowel and the other crafter didn't - is what helps promote collaboration. 

    Quit asking things that make it sound like you want a solo-online game. UO is not that, nor should it be. I see the swing in things moving toward a more collaborative movement - this entire year has been baby steps to that and I for one love it! Is what UO needs - more interaction!

    No one player should have e--v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g... that would be one hella bored player if you ask me.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Kirthag said:

    Recipes in the Black Market and on the Fellowship Vendor /should/ only be available for the duration of their /limited/ release /during/ the event arc. That's what makes the event(s) worth doing - and creates rarities. I don't expect _every_ crafter to be able to get _every_ recipe... I see this as a way to help promote a bit of community... you didn't get that Crimson Sword Belt recipe? Well, /find/ a crafter who did and work out something! maybe you got the Fortune Cowel and the other crafter didn't - is what helps promote collaboration. 

    Quit asking things that make it sound like you want a solo-online game. UO is not that, nor should it be. I see the swing in things moving toward a more collaborative movement - this entire year has been baby steps to that and I for one love it! Is what UO needs - more interaction!

    No one player should have e--v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g... that would be one hella bored player if you ask me.
    I agree with you, but nonetheless, I can't help notice that not all Shards are like Atlantic.... many have a real scarcity of players and, thus, do not permit much "group play".... especially is one happens to not be able to play at prime time....

    Furthermore, there is a disturbing trend that I noticed..... "non-Atlantic" Shards' Items on Vendors, often get bought and brought over to Atlantic with the result that on Atlantic is not that difficult to find anything, but on many other Shards it might become a nightmare....

    And not all players are willing to spend the cost of a transfer token to go "shopping" on Atlantic....

    So, often, for players who courageously insist on wanting to play on low population Shards, SOLO play might be their only option in getting any item which they might want/need.
  • I'm confused why this thread isn't locked already lol

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    edited November 2019
    Have we confirmed that UO is permanent?

    The crafting recipes from the Fellowship and the Pirate are not permanent.  That has been said.  That is why they are easy to obtain.  Stop asking questions and fill soulbinders.  There will be a market for most of those rewards a year or less from now.

    Your rebuttal or misunderstandings will not change those items from being a reward for playing right now.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited November 2019

    I don't play on the Mall Shard.... I like it over on Pac.

    Prior to Pac I thrived on Napa. I think I spent all of a month on Atlantic back with T2A - hated the crowding so went to Napa.

    People take things to sell where the money is - is the same IRL as well. Going to ATL for me is to grab things that should go back to Pac - or even Napa (my home shard). Does it cost, aye - and I've always hated shard xfer... but that is a dead-beaten-horse discussion I don't care to get into anymore and it really shouldn't be dredged up again - ever - EVAR.

    If you take the time and talk to people on your "small shard" - you will find there is more than meets the crickets. A lot of returning players don't even use chat and don't want to. Get out of your castle dude, ride around. Go mining, stand in Luna and offer to sell your services...

    If you do it, you will find there ARE others out there.

    Personally, I don't like being in the chat channels when I'm "in the groove". I actually talk to other players - in Fel, on a "small shard" - and have enjoyable times and conversations. It is not all gank squads... and I've learned more with my thief character in less time than in the heyday of RP on Napa. 

    The more I read your posts hon, the more I think you want either a solo game or more guided gameplay.... 

    If you want the "old UO" back, it ain't gonna happen. The nostalgia is strong, but Sosaria is far from what it used to be. I can say one thing if you don't like it, UO is about the only game there is that you have the ability to enact change yourself.... you just gotta do it. They are doing it over Cats, used to on Chessy - even Euro has stuff going on. Or maybe, learn another language and go check out the Japanese shards - THERE is some ingenious playing!
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