One Step Further

Now that cheques are done away with and we have the balance of our banks available to all our characters on that shard. Would it be a good idea going that little further and having that balance available to all chars on all shards?

Flame away....  



  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Totally Right! :)
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    I think the shards should be kept separate.  If I happen to launch a new first character on a shard, I want him to be starting from scratch.  To have millions in the bank on day 1 would be silly.

    Within the same shard, it is different.  Your characters can work together, one guy mining and logging while another crafts.  Between shards is entirely different.  The "other world" guys cannot be part of your team, nor should they be able to.

    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • PapaSmurfPapaSmurf Posts: 112
    Rock said:
    I think the shards should be kept separate.  If I happen to launch a new first character on a shard, I want him to be starting from scratch.  To have millions in the bank on day 1 would be silly.

    Within the same shard, it is different.  Your characters can work together, one guy mining and logging while another crafts.  Between shards is entirely different.  The "other world" guys cannot be part of your team, nor should they be able to.

    That's not what I was getting at, You're talking about items and sharing skills no?
    My example-
    If you buy 2000 credits on the store, that balance is available to any char on any shard, why not the same for in-game gold? 

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    PapaSmurf said:
    If you buy 2000 credits on the store, that balance is available to any char on any shard, why not the same for in-game gold? 
    Hmm... maybe because this will be damaging for RMTs? >:) ;)
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I like being able to start fresh, personally.  I feel the next step to the gold system is just massive gold sinks.
  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
    PapaSmurf said:
    Would it be a good idea going that little further and having that balance available to all chars on all shards?
    I vote yes.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Ivenor said:
    PapaSmurf said:
    If you buy 2000 credits on the store, that balance is available to any char on any shard, why not the same for in-game gold? 
    Hmm... maybe because this will be damaging for RMTs? >:) ;)
    Say what, we can't do this because it would hurt RMTs but would help the honest play base.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    In UO 2018, i dont see any reason not too.  i like the aspect of "starting from scratch" but also liked the idea of each character on a shard being seperate, having his own budget. 

    Like it or not, UOs economy is pretty much global now, and it would be nice if gold was too.  id be more likely to buy things and play on other shards if i had easy access to gold there.

    If this were any other game, basically if we didnt have housing, many shards would have been merged by now and we'd most likely be down to 5 or so shards total.  but thats not possible because of the housing situation.  Short of shard mergers, id support anything to make the UO economy more fluid when it comes to different shards.

    -Account wide gold all shards
    -free or low cost transfers (with some way to keep the vet ones "special")  maybe limit non-vet ones to 2 week cooldown, or limit of 25 items.  but something to give all players easy access to some type of transfer to at least facilitate items sales.
    -scaling vendor fees would be nice (percentage vrs average server population, but im sure this is impossible)
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    I mean, it wouldn't kill me to have it, but I again really like to start fresh sometimes.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    In my view... making gold accessible across all shards would be detrimental to the devs and the game. At the moment one of the big draws to buying transfer tokens is so people can transfer gold to another shard if there's something they want to purchase. This requires anyone without access to shard shields to purchase 1-2 tokens, which is profit for the game.

    Make the gold available across all shards, that's fewer tokens being purchased, and less money for the game.
  • that would be ok by me as long as Siege/Mugen are not included.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    nope. sorry. not smart or wise.

    i can see how those who cross shard constantly with the market would like to have a single gold bank for all their toons across all shards (servers), but that would just break the economy.
    items on one shard do not cost the same as items on another shard - the prices for some things on Pac just won't fly on Atlantic, and vice versa. The game's economy is not just made of all the rares and such you guys throw billions at. Actually, some items are priced a wee bit higher than Atl just to keep the stuff from being cross sharded away. Of course, this could cause inflation if the cross-sharders _really_ must take all of whatever from say, Napa. They will have to jack their prices up to compensate. And then again, the wee people on the other shards will jack up prices again in an attempt to keep items on the home shard. Rinse, repeat. 

    That is why I hate the cross shard market. Is causes inflation and the new/returning ppl will look at prices and have a heart attack. Starting gold at 1mil?! Barely enough to get some skimpy, chainmail bikini if you ask me. 
    (being facetious - the "chicks in chaimail" thing is so over done)

    About the only changes I can see happening with the gold system itself would be to 
    1. auto loot gold straight to bank (same as almost any other game now & what most new gamers are used to)
    2. Major gold/plat sinks for the gold hoarders 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    You can take gold from shard to shard when you transfer a toon.  We should be able to access gold on any shard.

    It is pretty easy to find someone that will give you gold on a shard for gold in Atlantic or vise versa.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    Sovereigns are credited to the account at account management level, much like expansion entitlement. The question here is not only 'is this desirable?' but 'is this possible?' I suspect it may not be.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited March 2018
    Would only widen the gap between those with shard shields and those without. Good for people making a living off UO, so let's get this done ASAP! ;)

    Let's get basic shard travel mobility to everyone, than we can talk about those ideas. But as it is now, it will only divide the community further..
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
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