House Design Contest - Need Help with Domed Roof!
I really want to build this with something other than shingle, thatch
or flat tile roofs. Anyone have any ideas how to make this dome look somewhat
even close? I'm open to suggestions. I'm really tired of the same old, same old. If some
talented person wants to build it, enter it and it actually wins that would be wicked awesome!

!!!!! (inspirational thought) !!!!!
@Mesanna - this would be awesome! (and a way to market to the Russians & Indians - aboth growing gaming markets - hint).
I'd love it if they added something like this...
same size as the lighthouse.
but make it like the garden shed...
have some flower boxes at the bottom, that opens up for extra storage.
if they added curved walls (kinda like parenthesis) that could work.
and maybe if Tinkers crafted finials, you could get the result for the top...
just a couple of examples, but i think they could work...
but i know how some people can be...
if they added new curved walls, then why not for every tile set.
I hope they update the tile sets we already have, but also add some to be able to do this