Ancient SOS chest loot : What items are keepers and what items to go for Clean Up points ?

What items within the Ancient SOS Chests' Loot are usually wanted by players and, therefore, have a market and should be taken and what items instead only take up storage space and, thus, should better be turned in for Clean Up points ?

Thanks !


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    things I usually keep: 

    Antique Wedding Dress (there are people who like to cut it up, for the cloth)
    enchanted kelp leggings 
    Nets (decorative)
    Nets (colored. Great for Zipy quest)

    New Items:

    Ancient Aquarium Nets
    Live Rocks
    Ocean Sapphires
    Salted Serpent Steaks

    There are people who don't have fishers, so vendors is the only way to get them.

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