Alliance/Guild Secure

We've tried setting containers to Alliance or Guild security and cannot get it to work. Anyone co-owned is able to open them but guild and ally cannot. This is with newly secured containers and containers that were already locked down.


  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited September 2019
    The owner of the house has to be in the same guild as the people you want using the containers.
  • Tanager said:
    The owner of the house has to be in the same guild as the people you want using the containers.
    We did that. Still not working. Tried multiple characters, multiple houses. Guild NOR Alliance working. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    none of the characters trying this are Ronin I guess?
  • Mariah said:
    none of the characters trying this are Ronin I guess?
    Nope, full members.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    My guild is not in an alliance, but the guild settings work for me on Siege. The only time we have any trouble is when the character that actually owns the structure is not in the same guild. Does not matter who secured the container, it is the guild of the house owner that is used.

    If it is a bug, tho, the Devs would need to know which shard and prolly the coords of the house would be useful.
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