soulbinder stuck at grand soul forever



  • @Kyronix I understand what you're saying about the credit what I don't get is the unfair distribution 5 full bottles vs 1 bottle for people that are actually doing similar damage dealt/healing/damage taken.  I could see a 2 vs 1 but 5 seems a little out of sorts.  Comparing it to the other events isn't equal since you never got more than 1 drop from any given creature. 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541

    Don't necessarily need to know the math, but knowing if point-feed needs to be exact to top off a soulbinder or if the overflow will go to another soulbinder would help some people out. I'm not doing Corgul or any of the ocean content to fill my soulbinders; doing this with TMap mobs. 
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
      I have filled several hundred of them now, some of them solo, some in groups and some using 3-4 of my own accts.  It is working exactly as Kryonix says it is working.   People seem to only be looking at the damage they are doing and not accounting for damage taken and healing.  So it is common for a character that did more damage to not come out on top that focused only on dealing damage....... IE Tamers deal a lot of damage and that pretty much tends to be it.  A tank type character doing damage, taking damage and healing others (cross healing)  will actually be in the top 2-3 more often than not even though the damage was nowhere near what the people that did the most damage delivered. 

      It is actually a very fair distribution when one looks at the total contributions to the kill.  What it is not is a even distribution because contributions to the kill are not even.  That is on the players not the system.  The system works well and when you understand the basic concepts of it, it will work well for you.

      Don't know how Kryonix can explain it any better without breaking out the crayons.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited September 2019
    Kyronix said:
    The distribution is exactly the same as we have used for all Treasures of.. events including Treasures of Tokuno, Treasures of Doom, Treasures of the Kotl City, Treasures of Khaldun etc.  

    You position on the "top contributors" list is a ranking based on, 

    • damage dealt
    • damage received
    • damage healed
    So you get credit for tanking, healing, and DPS.  Slight variations in these factors alter where you end up on the list.  This is how it works game wide for any implementation of the "top contributors" list.  We award the top 16 contributors with a progressively smaller percentage of the total soul points available from any given creature giving them credit for their overall contribution.   
    Ill say it again and then accept what the game is doing as correct.

    This is Scalis only as far as I have seen  If you are on the top contributer list you get 1 binder filled.

    If you come in when scalis is at 30% and toss a couple of WoDs you can get up to 8 binders filled.
    (as long as you did enough damage to get loot rights.)
    Scalis is backwards.  We did 8 yesterday.  You get more binders filled if you walk away when scalis is at 1/2 life and stop attacking. Or if you do as above.

    I am fine with the current binder filling system on Scalis.

    NOTE:  The system works for drops on Scalis.  The toons that got multiple binders did not get drops.
    When I fought the whole fight I did get drops.  All books...  So give and take?  Player decides.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @Kirthag the binders fill like an ice cube tray - so long as you have binders and you aren't getting a message that "some of the soul was lost" the points are being stored in your soulbinders.
  • It's not that I don't understand how it works, the issue is that at top few get 5 drops and others just get one if that.  That's the issue.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    ZekeTerra said:
    It's not that I don't understand how it works, the issue is that at top few get 5 drops and others just get one if that.  That's the issue.

    Thats how the game has always worked.  Last year each Khal dropped Halloween costumes in limited quantity.  Some players got 20 armor per cycle some got 2.

    Do those things better!    Thats why you play games with people that are better than you, so you get better.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • No one ever got 5 drops off one mob prior to the Dark Fathers and this event.  I'm not talking about the chance of getting a drop off the more mobs I kill.  I just don't understand the logic that 15 people kill ONE mob and one person gets 5 and others get 0 or 1.  BTW I am one of the ones that got 5, but I know my friends are doing about the same amount of damage and healing that I'm doing.  We've been playing together for about 10 years and do all the content in this game together on a regular basis.  And it seems pretty random on who gets the 5 drops, because one of players hits Scalis for 900+ points on each WoD and she only got 1 drop while I know that one of the players that got 5 didn't do nearly as much damage, healing or took damage.  I just have a problem with how the distribution is working on this event.  Specially since with a large group there's no Body to loot so people were disappointed.  You hear someone say I just got 5 and you're sitting there with a Legendary Bottle and wonder wth...
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    This sounds like as long as you contribute to the fight healing and/or damage you are put in a pool.

    The distribution of the pool is random.

    Some folks might be on a bad rng streak for the distribution.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Kyronix said:
    The distribution is exactly the same as we have used for all Treasures of.. events including Treasures of Tokuno, Treasures of Doom, Treasures of the Kotl City, Treasures of Khaldun etc.  

    You position on the "top contributors" list is a ranking based on, 

    • damage dealt
    • damage received
    • damage healed
    So you get credit for tanking, healing, and DPS.  Slight variations in these factors alter where you end up on the list.  This is how it works game wide for any implementation of the "top contributors" list.  We award the top 16 contributors with a progressively smaller percentage of the total soul points available from any given creature giving them credit for their overall contribution.   
    Running Bar buffs must really pimp up these numbers !! which as a support bard i say hurrah !!
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    ZekeTerra said:
    No one ever got 5 drops off one mob prior to the Dark Fathers and this event.  I'm not talking about the chance of getting a drop off the more mobs I kill.  I just don't understand the logic that 15 people kill ONE mob and one person gets 5 and others get 0 or 1.  BTW I am one of the ones that got 5, but I know my friends are doing about the same amount of damage and healing that I'm doing.  We've been playing together for about 10 years and do all the content in this game together on a regular basis.  And it seems pretty random on who gets the 5 drops, because one of players hits Scalis for 900+ points on each WoD and she only got 1 drop while I know that one of the players that got 5 didn't do nearly as much damage, healing or took damage.  I just have a problem with how the distribution is working on this event.  Specially since with a large group there's no Body to loot so people were disappointed.  You hear someone say I just got 5 and you're sitting there with a Legendary Bottle and wonder wth...

    Did everyone get a bottle?  If so the distribution works.  

    There is nothing wrong with the game randomly rewarding some of the participants with a random number of extra bottles..
    Your group is staying the whole time to fight.  Getting one bottle is standard.  Some get up to 4ish.

    Why do you not like this distribution system?  You got a bottle filled.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Kyronix said:

     damage dealt, damage received, and damage healed. It’s a combo of all those things. 
    I don't understand this system...

    A group of us have been doing Corgul.
    I'm a tamer.
    I heal my pet and the other pets too.
    I take damage just like the others there.
    I rez others when needed.
    And I heal the others...

    but yet every time I walk away with at least a legendary and sometimes a mythical.
    while chars that just cast a bard song, get 5 or 6

    at Khaldun last year, sampires were bragging about how many drops they got per round. The sampires today were only getting one. its not exactly the same at all. The drops for Doom and Kotl city were lot better for tamers. To me, it actually looks like, the damage that pets do, doesn't count.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412

    do like i do do take a second account dont heal do lesser you can only attack with a bad pet and you end up with 5-6 bottles on this toon....we try corgul since 3 days with guildmate and we know the loot distribution is broken top receiver are always 2 accounts who do less

  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    btw @pawain how can you compare this event filled bottle to last year halloween content drop at spawn....more stuff you hit more you receive drops now we are talking at scalis corgul end boss.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Fortis said:
    btw @ pawain how can you compare this event filled bottle to last year halloween content drop at spawn....more stuff you hit more you receive drops now we are talking at scalis corgul end boss.

    Im saying I thing the top end is ok.  Top contributors get a bottle and some get a few extras.

    The bottom end where doing little damage and getting 8 bottles is where it needs adjusted.  7 of those bottles need distributed to the top contributors IMO.

    But I just want to know if that is intended so I will play it that way.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Kyronix said:
    @ Kirthag the binders fill like an ice cube tray - so long as you have binders and you aren't getting a message that "some of the soul was lost" the points are being stored in your soulbinders.
    thank you 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited September 2019
    Hmm mine fill one at a time. When one fills a new one starts. I carry ten when I got out.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Pawain said:
    Hmm mine fill one at a time. When one fills a new one starts. I carry ten when I got out.
      That is working like a ice cube tray :)  When one fills it overflows into the next one and so on. 
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    when you understand how it s work it s filling like popping pop corn in the microwave lol
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited September 2019
    Kyronix said:
    The distribution is exactly the same as we have used for all Treasures of.. events including Treasures of Tokuno, Treasures of Doom, Treasures of the Kotl City, Treasures of Khaldun etc.   
    Totally not apples and oranges. Killing Scalis vs killing rotten corpses / dark guardians in doom  B) But it is what it is. Need to get your elbows out to make some progress like its always with those ;)
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
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