Captain's Hearty Rum Bottles Keep Changing Names

KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
edited September 2019 in Test Center

There appears to be an issue with the Captain's Hearty Rum bottles that drop from Charybdis. They keep changing their ship name after server maintenance.

On Baja we have 2 Captain's Hearty Rum bottles from Charybdis, and after each server maintenance cycle they come back with different names. One bottle has gone through 2 different maintenance cycles and changed each time. We just got another bottle last night, and this morning it had also changed ship names.

These are the bottles:

I don't have screenshots of their previous names, but I know one of them was The Lusty Wench (because how do you not remember that name), and the other was The Mustang.

These bottles were kept in a character's backpack during server maintenance. We will try locking them down in a house tonight to see if the same issue occurs.

I also just noticed that the bottle names have a double "The" in them. ("The The Spartan's", "The The Beast's"). Most likely because the ship names already have an included "The" as part of their name string.
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  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    Thanks for the report!
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Update: This actually isn't related to server maintenance cycles. The screenshots above were taken this morning on Baja, and we looked at the bottles just now and they both changed names again and we haven't gone through server maintenance yet.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    Khyro said:
    Update: This actually isn't related to server maintenance cycles. The screenshots above were taken this morning on Baja, and we looked at the bottles just now and they both changed names again and we haven't gone through server maintenance yet.
    maybe it changes at midnight?
    moonlight madness lol

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