CHARYBDIS and Fishermen Templates ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited September 2019 in General Discussions
As we know, it is necessary to be a Fisherman in order to "fish up" Charybdis ....

My question is, to those Fishermen already experienced at fighting Charybdis, KEEPING their Fishing skill points on their Template and not Soulstoning them off for some other Skill after having fished up Charybdis.

I HATE Soulstoning skills in the middle of a fight, it is sooooo unreal and sounds a lot like cheating to me....

I wished that the Developers gave BONUSES to players who kepts their Fishing, Remove Trap, Lockpicking etc. etc. skills on their Template THROUGHOUT the fight and, thus, being at a disadvantage, obviously, as compared to those other players who, instead, Soulstone their "now no longer usefull skills" with other skills more usefull for fighting....

@Kyronix , @Bleak , how about you do something to stop this Soulstoning habit in the middle of a fight ? As with Charybdis, since you are working on it right now, how about you give a "Bonus" for those Fishermen with Fishing in their Template in doing damage to Charybdis ?

Like, for example, have the fishing skill work on Charybdis as an automatic Hit Chance Increase/Spell Damage Increase since the Fisherman KNOWS better Charybdis and knows "where" to hit it with a Weapon or a Spell ?
Or, have the Fishing Skill work on Charybdis with Hit Lower Attack or Hit Lower Defense?

Or, perhaps, even have the Fishing Skill work as a special "Charybdis Slayer" bonus which would come as handy since I understand there does not exist a Slayer for Charybdis ?

Of course, such a "Fishing Bonus" against Charybdis should then be commensurate to how many Fishing point the character has "invested" in Fishing....

You get the idea..... give a bonus to those Fishermen KEEPING their Fishing Skill on their Template and be able to use that Fishing skill to have better results in fighting Charybdis.....

Anyways, is there any Fisherman who KEEPS his/her Fishing skill who could give a hint or two about what a best Template would be (and gear) for then being able to fight Charybdis ?



  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited September 2019
    Have you done or gone on a Corgul Hunt?  There is no fishing...  He lives on an Island, not in the sea...

    There is one that needs fishing, do some research please.  I hope the devs do not listen to you.

    For the one that requires fishing, you find him and recall away and come back on your fighter.  Since you don't aggro it you can come back in seconds.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited September 2019
    Pawain said:
    Have you done or gone on a Corgul Hunt?  There is no fishing...  He lives on an Island, not in the sea...

    There is one that needs fishing, do some research please.  I hope the devs do not listen to you.

    For the one that requires fishing, you find him and recall away and come back on your fighter.  Since you don't aggro it you can come back in seconds.

    Still sleeping, got it fixed.......

    For the one that requires fishing, you find him and recall away and come back on your fighter.  Since you don't aggro it you can come back in seconds.
    That's precisely what I hate (and consider as cheating...).

    I would love it if the Developers Designed it in a way that, if a Fisherman wants to fight it right after having "fished it up" and without switching to a Fighter or Soulstoning the Fishing skill for a Fighting skill, they COULD do it and this, WITHOUT being at a disadvantage as compared to those other players who, instead, where to swap characters with a Fighter or Soulstone the Fishing skill for a Fighting skill...

    And this, could be done, by granting the Fishing skill a significant "Bonus" when fighting Charybdis....

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited September 2019
    By the way, what I said in the OP in regards to the Fishing skill getting a Bonus when fighting Charybdis, should ALSO be valid for Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer.

    For BOTH of these encounters the maintaining of the Fishing skill on the Template which will then Fight Charybdis or Osiredon, should be given a fighting "Bonus" so as to prize those players who KEEP their Fishermen to fight them and do not "swap" to a Fighting Template in order to fight them nor Soulstone their Fishing skill to pick up a better fighting skill.....

    Considering how "also", at least to my knowledge, Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer seems not to have a Slayer for fighting it, like Charybdis also lacks, perhaps a good and valid "Bonus" to fight them with a Fisherman could be assigning the Fishing skill, a Slayer Bonus when fighting either Charybdisor Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer ?

    Of course, such a Slayer Bonus should be commensurate to how high the Fishing skill on that Fisherman was....

    Could such a Fishermen "Slayer" Bonus when fighting either Charybdis or Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer be possible to be implemented @Kyronix and @Bleak ?

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    My mage/ mystic/ sw can keep fishing on and fight (any and all fights) without switching skills during the fight. I stone mediation for fishing before hand. I have mana regen on my suit. Stop typing and posting about problems that don't exist and learn by actually playing the game.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Marge said:
    Stop typing and posting about problems that don't exist and learn by actually playing the game.
    Should we negate that there are players who, and these are mere examples among several others which could likewise be made, after having digged up a chest or summoned a Charybdis or Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer THEN switch Characters to a fighting one OR Soulstone the skills no longer needed be them Treasure Hunting skills or Fishing skills and pick up from their Soulstones, skills more helpfull for fighting ?

    These players do not exist nor are they perhaps in a good number ?

    Really ?

    I think these problems DO EXIST like there are players who have 2 suits, a Luck suit they use to trigger the better items spawn effect AND a fighting suit to get the kill and then swap the 2 "on the fly" for best results....

    I think that these are "tricks" or, personally, even consider them as cheating.

    I think that these "swaps" or "soulstonings" should not happen and the only way to make it so, that I can think of, is to give "bonuses", also for fighting, for those skills, suits etc. which are replaced when fighting time comes because, as of now, they result in being underwhelming in their fighting performances....

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I'm pretty sure you can switch suits in either client, it's no trick, it's a game mechanic thats only being taken full advantage of by players that know how to get things done. You seriously want to be rewarded for doing things the wrong way ?
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    Stop typing and posting about problems that don't exist and learn by actually playing the game.
    She told you there is no problem. She has a fisherman that can fight and she told you her template.  You are ignoring players who do not switch toons or use soulstones and spouting off about how some methods of gameplay are cheating in your opinion.

    Go kill shit like we all are doing.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • I have fishing and fight this thing in luck suits.  Being prepared favours the ironically lazy.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    Stop typing and posting about problems that don't exist and learn by actually playing the game.
    She told you there is no problem. She has a fisherman that can fight and she told you her template.  You are ignoring players who do not switch toons or use soulstones and spouting off about how some methods of gameplay are cheating in your opinion.

    Go kill shit like we all are doing.
    That's not the point.

    That it "can" be done, WITHOUT swapping character to a fighting one OR Soulstone skills to other skills more helpfull in fighting, DOES NOT MEAN, at least as I see it, that those players who do not swap their characters to another more "fit" for fighting or Soulstone Skills for other skills more helpfull in fighting, are not at a gross disadvantage as compared to those players who resort using these "tricks"....

    THIS, is my point.

    Can it be done without swapping characters or Soulstoning skills ?

    Sometimes yes, in some other cases and with some other Bosses no.

    Regardless, though, my point is that those players who do NOT resort to using these tricks, STILL find themselves at a gross disadvantage when the fighting comes as compared to those other players who, instead, swap their character to one more "fit" for fighting or Soulstone skills for other skills more helpfull in fighting.

    And I happen to think that, for balancing reasons, this disadvantage should not exist.

    If a Fisherman is supposed to "fish up" Charybdis or Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer, why should then such a Fisherman have to be at a disadvantage as compared to some other player who, "after" having fished them up, recalls away to swap a Fighter for the fight OR Soulstones the Fishing skill for another skill more helpfull in the fight ?

    I happen to think that the Design should, instead, NOT put the Fishermen at a gross disadvantage for wanting to stay with the fight WITH the Fishing skill.....

    It is a Balancing issue, to my opinion.

    And the same could be said for other in-game activities like Treasure Hunting etc. as well as, with swapping suits in between Luck and Fighting suite "at the right moment"....

    All of these, look to me as "tricks", ways of cheating and should not exist OR, at least, players not wanting to use them should not be at such a gross disadvantage for not wanting to use such "tricks".
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    There is already a two minute cool down before you can use a soul stone or log out and log back in with a different toon if you've been done any fighting. You need to be quick on the recall to avoid those two minutes.

  • KarynKaryn Posts: 55
    You want it fixed because you think it's cheating. Well, the developers disagree with you and believe it be a valid game mechanic. Sorry, you're just plain wrong on this one - there is nothing "broken," there is no "cheating." 
  • As long as it's something testimonial, pretty much like Lumberjacking's symbolic damage bonus, I'd have no problem with it. Whatever, maybe a little mana regen? You spent so much time reflecting on yourself while fishing o:)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Dear DEVs

         May we have an "Easy Button" so every time we get in a fight we just push it and all our foes dies and all the loot is put in a "Loot Bag" that has zero # of items and zero weight and auto teleport us to our house so we may go through the bag at our leisure, this also includes all Fel Bosses with max 120 powers scrolls.  I forgot I want this on a char that has zero skills so I don't have to worry about training.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Bilbo said:
    Dear DEVs

         May we have an "Easy Button" so every time we get in a fight we just push it and all our foes dies and all the loot is put in a "Loot Bag" that has zero # of items and zero weight and auto teleport us to our house so we may go through the bag at our leisure, this also includes all Fel Bosses with max 120 powers scrolls.  I forgot I want this on a char that has zero skills so I don't have to worry about training.
      It would NOT be an "easy" button.

    There is HARDLY anything "hard" in recalling away with a Fisherman or a Treasure Hunter to then "come back" with another character fit for fighting OR, to go back to Bank/Home, Soulstone Skills no longer needed and not good for fighting and pick up some other Skills more usefull for fighting....

    Annoying ?

    Possibly.... but "hard" ? no way.....

    Therefore, BALANCING OUT characters and giving a Bonus to those Skills which players "put away" when fighting time comes, would hardly be, to my opinion, an "easy" button.

    INSTEAD, it would re-establish a BALANCE in between those characters and, ACTUALLY, make that particular content work for the characters and skills it was INTENDED TO WORK FOR....

    You know, Fishermen, Treasure Hunters etc. etc. ....

    Instead, what do we have now ?

    Fishermen UP TO A POINT.....

    Treasure Hunters UP TO A POINT.....

    THEN, when the fight starts, most players what do they do ?

    Shelve away their Fisherman, their Treasure Hunter (or their skills) and come back with SOMETHING ELSE that is more fit for fighting.

    Nothing about an "easy" button, EVERYTHING about a BALANCING ISSUE that, to my viewing, needs to be addressed to restore some RIGHTFULL balance in favour of these characters who are "put away" when Fighting time comes.

    After all, we are talking abour THEIR content, Fishermen's content, Treasure Hunters' content etc. etc.

    Fighters ALREADY have MORE THEN PLENTY of content available in Ultima Online..... they want to TAKE AWAY also the content that pertains and is INTENDED for those other Templates ?

    At least, that is the way i see it.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    How many times can we say - YOU DON"T ACTUALLY HAVE TO SWITCH - IT CAN BE DONE ON THESE TOONS. Not switching skills or toons, DOES NOT put a fisher or tmapper at a disadvantage.

    Once after a Scalis night, we did roof. I forgot to switch my fishing off between encounters. I did the Roof with the fisher I described above. I survived and fought those bosses no problems at all.

    My treasure hunter has carto, lock pick, remove trap, magery, eval, and med. I never switch any skills or to another toons when treasure hunting. I may be slower than someone that switches to a tamer after popping the chest but I get it done.

    I don't consider anyone that does switch skills or toons a cheater. No one but you does.

    "they want to TAKE AWAY also the content that pertains and is INTENDED for those other Templates ?" These situations you are speaking of was actually intended for GROUP encounters - not one specific template. UO wasn't intended to be a solo game.

    You may want to take a closer look at your fisher and treasure hunter. (That is if you actually had time to make one and finish their skill training between typing all these posts.) You probably need to make some adjustments to their skills. Most fishers I know have magery or archery and can handle themselves in a fight.

    Instead of asking for unneeded game changes, ask about your template. Example: (You post) Hey guys, my fisher keeps dying to sea serpents. It has fishing, taste id, cooking, camping, mining and lumberjacking. What am I doing wrong. (We respond) Drop all but fishing and put some fighting skills on it such as magery or archery. (You respond after making those suggested changes) Hey thanks guys you were right! I can kill sea serpents now.
    See how that makes your toon better and not a single game mechanic needs to be changed. Amazing!

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I don't play soulstone roulette either, my characters stand or fall with the same template throughout.
    However, back in publish 28 (before High Seas) this was added:

    Give the fabled net thrower (if a GM Fisherman) a 1 in 4 chance of getting a minor artifact (not modified by luck or damage).If the fabled net thrower doesn’t get a minor artifact, but is a top attacker, then perform the normal chance to get a minor artifact modified by luck. i.e., the fabled net thrower won’t get two minor artifacts from one leviathan, but will have two chances to get one.

    Perhaps if that same bonus was applied to Scalis, when summoned by a legendary fisherman, and maybe a similar bonus for a legendary fisherman who fishes up Charybdis? it may be seen as 'fair'?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited September 2019
    I don't play soulstone roulette either, my characters stand or fall with the same template throughout.
    However, back in publish 28 (before High Seas) this was added:

    Give the fabled net thrower (if a GM Fisherman) a 1 in 4 chance of getting a minor artifact (not modified by luck or damage).If the fabled net thrower doesn’t get a minor artifact, but is a top attacker, then perform the normal chance to get a minor artifact modified by luck. i.e., the fabled net thrower won’t get two minor artifacts from one leviathan, but will have two chances to get one.

    Perhaps if that same bonus was applied to Scalis, when summoned by a legendary fisherman, and maybe a similar bonus for a legendary fisherman who fishes up Charybdis? it may be seen as 'fair'?
    I am good with "whatever" (if commensurate to the Fishing skill invested in the Template.... which it can be up to 120.0 points for fishing.....) would give to those players KEEPING Fishing on their Template throughout the fight with Charybdis or Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer, a "Bonus" as compared to other players who Soulstone the Fishing skill or entirely "swap" for another character that is more "fit" for Fishing as their Fisherman....
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     Ok you asked for a template here is one of my fisherman templates.  He participates in group scalis and charybdis  with no problems.  Why do I need a bonus of any kind when I deal a decent amount of damage between the pet and archery?  Wearing the wrong jewels and suit for those encounters but could run it in that set up and with that pet and still do just fine.  I do keep a max luck suit in the pack that is all 70s with the pink clean up jewels.  Switch suits at the tail end of the fights.  I never play the stones game for an encounter.

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