Fishing Feedback

KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
edited August 2019 in Test Center
I am scrolled to 120 in prodo, and plan to get the skill of my soulstone again just because of the fishies!

Fishing in General

Using my giant Brit-Boat, the SV Evergreen, I went galavanting over the deep blue fishing up MIBs and ASOSs. I am surprised that for all of the chests I brought up, not one creature spawned with them. Is this because of TC? Or maybe because of the max skill and my Chiv scares all the monsters away! LOL! I don't know... but is fun again getting all the loots! Love those chests, especially the barnacled ones - can't wait to put these into my castle on Pacific!

MIB & ASOS Loots

Oh.. gods! If I ever see another scroll in my life! I do not remember these chests having so many spell scrolls in them! Maybe replace these with recipes.... say, remove ALL those spell scrolls and put in 1 or 2 recipes? Or maybe put in some cloth, wood, and some cannon resources would be more fitting for these chests. The armor and weapons are on par and expected. Reforging items, gems, and gold all on point. Just, all those scrolls! I don't know anyone doing MIBs or ASOSs who need to fill spell books, so why have so much in these chests? 

I know, messing with the loot tables has ticked off people with TMaps, but seriously... 

Nice change putting points on the body parts, now there is something to do with them instead of just decaying on deck (such smelly business that). I also noticed they are named along with their wreck! The themed ideas for Halloween are stirring in my head! 

Since the Live Stone is permanent, perhaps lower their chances of coming up. Every chest I pulled up had one - or maybe the RNG gods luv me tonight and want me to make more aquariums.

Need to note, the gold chest has a line (a gap I think) thru it... looks like a mismatch on the tile artwork?

Pretty Fishies

The point of this is to get as many fishies as I can - cos I luv them. I saw a triggerfish and instantly thought, "Humuhumunukunukuapua'a!!" LOL! Hawaii people will understand!

Can fish for them right from the boat into the deep water, don't have to go to land, so thanks for that.
I did notice, although skilled to max (120), I didn't get one fish above the 100 bracket. I'm not done yet though, so perhaps in the RNG god - such a fickle god he is. I plan on doing more so I will see if I get some of those rarer fishies.


So far, I've only made the wall one, and I am totally impressed with how it looks! I've owned salt-water tanks in the past, and "live rock" (aka coral) is always a seeder - thank you for basing this in a bit of reality!

At first, I thought it was non-functional because I have it on display in a contest castle. By accident, I found that only a single tile of the 3-tile item is accessible for interaction. 
(my screenshot tool doesn't show the cursor over the tank... sorry)

Only the southern-most area (left side) can be used to drop fishies, open, and manage the tank with.

Not sure if this is by design, or because is in a contest structure. It would be better if all three tiles are used for interfacing, or maybe the middle one (as I expected, as most everything else is the middle tile).

The original aquarium and this wall aquarium only accommodate 28 fish at a time. Wouldn't it be prudent that differing sizes hold more or less fish? I'd expect the wall aquarium (being flat) to only accommodate a small amount (maybe 10). 

I am seriously going to get back onto the ocean. Beacons have gotten me stressed a bit, and most others have posted enough about them so I haven't bothered. But fishing... that's probably the best way to get this island girl back out on the virtual seas! 

Overall, thumbs up for fishing and related content!


  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Yellowfin Tuna looking like a Barracuda... just saying...
    Maybe having an identity crisis?

    this is not tuna...

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited August 2019


    I added 7 fishies into the Wall Aquarium in my contest castle. I went out fishing some more (about two hours) and when I got back with more fishies to add to the tank, the first batch were all gone! Not dead (I've had the old aquarium in the past so am familiar with that) - just... *poof* gone fish!

    Now I cannot secure anything (being contest castle) but I'd expect Fish to stay in a tank... unless someone got snide and stole my fishies (I hope not)!!! Or did they decay because the aquarium is not secured?

    ETA: And am back to bad RNG on getting fishies. All of them are below the 100-skill bracket.n Does luck factor into the fish you get? I have been doing all this with no luck - so maybe will change some of that.

    Will try again more tomorrow - have a long weekend so can play around.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Kirthag said:
    Yellowfin Tuna looking like a Barracuda... just saying...
    Maybe having an identity crisis?

    this is not tuna...

    The new artist redid the fish art a while back.  Many are just different colors but they look better as trophies.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • How about instead of magery spell scrolls, include spellweaving scrolls? They’re currently too difficult to get, especially since they aren’t craftable. 

    On another note, this forum isn’t very mobile friendly 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Pawain said:
    The new artist redid the fish art a while back.  Many are just different colors but they look better as trophies.
    I know.... and what is used in game still is not tuna.
    I can see pike, and is definitely barracuda, but NOT tuna.

    I go fishing, and tuna is not long and skinny, with a big, toothy mouth.
    Tuna is meaty, small mouth, and particularly streamlined with a LARGE body.
    And is one hell of an awesome fighter on the line! Deep-sea yellowfin (ahi) is some of the best eating for sashimi!

    Tuna as a whole looky like this:
    (from wikipedia, assortment of tuna)

    That long skinny thing in game and on that page you linked is not a tuna.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Kirthag said:

    @ Kyronix

    I added 7 fishies into the Wall Aquarium in my contest castle. I went out fishing some more (about two hours) and when I got back with more fishies to add to the tank, the first batch were all gone! Not dead (I've had the old aquarium in the past so am familiar with that) - just... *poof* gone fish!

    I moved the aquariums several times and the fish will stay inside it every time.
    And then when I went to enter the contest, I had to remove it to enter the contest.
    And when I replaced it, all the fish fell to the floor.
    so I picked them up and tried again.
    Same thing happened.
    so I took them to another plot and placed them there and was able to put the fish back in.

    I read somewhere that the moment you add something to a deeded item, it becomes a locked down item. And you can't have locked down items in the contest.

    Maybe the fish fell to the floor and you just didn't notice. After 5 minutes they turn into bones and maybe 5 mins after they are gone.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Kirthag said:

    MIB & ASOS Loots

    Oh.. gods! If I ever see another scroll in my life! I do not remember these chests having so many spell scrolls in them! Maybe replace these with recipes.... say, remove ALL those spell scrolls and put in 1 or 2 recipes? Or maybe put in some cloth, wood, and some cannon resources would be more fitting for these chests. The armor and weapons are on par and expected. Reforging items, gems, and gold all on point. Just, all those scrolls! I don't know anyone doing MIBs or ASOSs who need to fill spell books, so why have so much in these chests? 


    Only the southern-most area (left side) can be used to drop fishies, open, and manage the tank with.

    Not sure if this is by design, or because is in a contest structure. It would be better if all three tiles are used for interfacing, or maybe the middle one (as I expected, as most everything else is the middle tile).

    I loot all the scrolls, cause I like to keep full spellbooks on my vendors.
    It does seem like on TC that there is lot more than normal.

    And with the aquariums, its a lil bit confusing.
    Cause with the East facing, you have to click on the left side of it.
    And the South facing, you click on the right side.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694

    Unfortunatly there are just 5 placeholders for the common fish.  A catfish does not look like any.

    They have a Mahi Mahi, Pike, Perch (sunfish), Salmon, and a Shiner/Bass that is for 4 categories.
    All the fish have to go into one of those skins.  Only a few actual fish types look like those skins.

    If they want to change the art again, I wont complain. Put it on the 2020 list of QoL changes.
    As long as the catfish is correct!

    Sorry to spin this into fish art, Ill leave now.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited August 2019
    No worries @Pawain - the topic is Fishing Feedback! :)

    I understand the placeholder - assigning an object to several other objects is a common practice in programming (I do it too). 

    It was late (or early, depending on perspective) and I was well into my cups when I got transfixed by a barracuda's identity crisis as a yellowfin tuna. Chalk it up to a small case of homesickness (relocated to the east coast from home in Hawaii); fishing here is more about flies and whips than what I'm used to, and I just got uber-sensitive. The moment is past now... I'm back to my critical and over-editing self. 

    Next time, I will not post after bedtime. 
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    The mismatch between the names and style of fish make my eye twitch a little bit.  For the new aquarium fish, except for a few creative liberties the majority of the aquarium fish are true to species, with rarity loosely based on the likelihood of seeing them in the wild.
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