Pub 106 - TC1 Release 1 Feedback

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
edited August 2019 in Test Center
Please try and adhere to this format when posting:

Feature: [Aquarium Update/SoS Update/22nd Anniversary Rewards/Commission Vendor/QoL Updates/Bug Fixes/Client Updates]

I have spent approximately [how many hours] hours testing the above feature.

I usually play [solo/with a group]

What I like most about the above feature is [do not simply give praise, thoughtful feedback helps us improve]

What I like least about the above feature is [do not simply give shade, thoughtful feedback helps us improve]

What I feel can be improved about the above feature is [what can be improved, be specific, thoughtful feedback helps us improve]


  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited August 2019
    Feature: QOL updates

    I have spent approximately 4 hours testing the above feature.

    I usually play solo
    • Players can now use a context menu on containers within their house to move them to other locations within the house – players will need to secure the container after it is moved!
    This does not work on the Packing Crate after re-committing a castle.

    There is no context on the Packing Crate. Not sure if it is because is a special container attached to custom houses, or if it is not a secure/locked-down container. This would be a serious boon to working on redecorating after changing design on custom homes (and I do still do that a lot, not just castles for contests).


    • The Tithing menu on Shrines has been updated to provide for a better user experience
    This is awesome! I am not very rich and sometimes need to budget my gold when planning a trip to the mall shard. Being able to simply type the amount i wish to tithe is awesome, thank you!
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,407Moderator
    The packing crate already has a relocate option on the house sign. It will relocate to wherever you are standing in the house.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Mariah said:
    The packing crate already has a relocate option on the house sign. It will relocate to wherever you are standing in the house.
    Yes, I know. I just thought with the QOL it would extend to the crate. :)
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