* The grubber begins to fade into the shadows * WHAT Grubber?

BasaraBasara Posts: 164
I've had this happen twice out of about 200 maps. A Ter Mur Cache and a Trammel Hoard.

As I'm finishing up the map, this message comes up on my screen (and in my journal). BUT, there was no grubber when the chest spawned - at least, not a visible one. I'm worried that the "ghost" grubber might have looted something I would never be able to get back, as there was never a sign of it at the dig site, physically or spawn message, until the message comes up that it's disappeared.

The Hoard, for example, had 2 Alacrity scrolls and 1 transcendence (3 scrolls total), when the other hoards I've done have typically had 4 scrolls randomly split between SoA, SoT, and PS(Fel only).


  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    bumping as I've had this happen the past couple nights.

    first was a trammel stash (really??)
    second was a felucca cache

    never saw the grubber appear, and on the stash even as I never have an issue picking those locks. the system message was a complete surprise.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    My wife had the same issue two nights ago, with a cache.
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