Your most / least favourite boss encounter

JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
edited July 2019 in General Discussions
So what is your least and most favourite boss encounter?

I love Scalis and Navrey because they encourage group play in contrast to bosses like shadowguard that make it hard for a group to find at random but easy to run with an army of accounts for a single player.

Would love if we had more of those and hate if any of the two get ruined in some change.

But let me hear your opinion!
Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)


  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    I like Piper because I can solo him. My least favorite is Mephitis. That spider is Fast and Mean and Nasty just like Semidar another of my least favorite, but I would never want to replace them cause they are a challenge.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Think this will be some good feedback for the team if they ever plan on redoing any boss encounter, so tagging them along @Kyronix ;
    @Bleak ;
    @Mesanna ;
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited July 2019
    What I really love about Scalis is that someone just hollers in chat which dock it is at, and within half an hour 20+ people that don't even know each other show up and work as a team.

    Unfortunately thats not possible with bosses that require a party.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412

    Do you really think most of people like to do an afk fight like scalis and should get top reward? it s fine to have some easy stuff to do for people who dont like to do real hunt or new people to learn fight.. but please no more suppose high end boss easy like him.

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited July 2019
    Fortis said:

    Do you really think most of people like to do an afk fight like scalis and should get top reward? it s fine to have some easy stuff to do for people who dont like to do real hunt or new people to learn fight.. but please no more suppose high end boss easy like him.

    While I appreciate the loot too, especially for Scalis its rather about the community feeling when doing this boss.

    I doubt many of the people that show up to the dock fights can or would even try to AFK Scalis.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Fortis said:

    Do you really think most of people like to do an afk fight like scalis and should get top reward?

    Yeah. Sadly.

    Think design decisions over the years drove away most that appreciate a challenge.

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited July 2019
    JollyJade said:
    What I really love about Scalis is that someone just hollers in chat which dock it is at, and within half an hour 20+ people that don't even know each other show up and work as a team.

    Unfortunately thats not possible with bosses that require a party.
    I'm with this. I've done many a "Hukilau" with my main and other characters - even my crafter - and had immense fun with the people who just show up.

    This kind of random, open-boss encounter is loads of fun, and make new friends in the process.

    As for an AFK with Scalis.... is this even possible solo? Maybe with a tweaked-out toon doing the bannable multi-box... but for the "regular schmo", this is a fun challenge with alt toons and the random community that shows up.

    I really hope there are no plans to change Scalis. This is probably the only "fun" boss just about anyone can participate in without being member of a party/guild/instance. For me, is not about the loot, is about the random-community participation outside of a slanted EM event.

    As for a least favorite, don't really have one. They all have their pros and cons. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Fortis said:

    Do you really think most of people like to do an afk fight like scalis and should get top reward? it s fine to have some easy stuff to do for people who dont like to do real hunt or new people to learn fight.. but please no more suppose high end boss easy like him.

    Please come to LS and show me how you afk Scalis.  Unless you are a Sampire or something.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    Fortis said:

    Do you really think most of people like to do an afk fight like scalis and should get top reward? it s fine to have some easy stuff to do for people who dont like to do real hunt or new people to learn fight.. but please no more suppose high end boss easy like him.

    Please come to LS and show me how you afk Scalis.  Unless you are a Sampire or something.
    I pair up with a swordsman with my macer and while not truly afk, just sitting there and repeating the same macros I'm sure it could be replicated easy with those unmentionable programs.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    So you call playing any video game afk.  Most games use macros and mouse movements.  WornOutYourCredibility.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    This is a really good thread!

        Love that each player that goes has a chance for a drop vs things like peerless where it will only have one drop for the group.

         Hate that it encourages multiboxing.

         Love that the keys are slightly more fun and creative than other encounters.

         Absolutely hate encounters that can supress your ability to play, like corgul, slasher of veils ect. Bad game mechanic.

         The idea behind it is cool, but it would be much better with tweaks, and the spellbooks it drops were trash even when they were released.

         Very fun, love almost everything about these.

         Wish boats were more effective against it [the eels he throws makes it suicide to try fighting it from a boat]


    REALLY good for newer players, relatively easy encounter with low risk for good drops. Nice change of pace. I would like to see gargoyles be the only ones to get "gargoyle only" drops across ALL encounters. Nothing feels worse than not having a gargoyle and getting "gargoyle only" items.

    -All old peerless encounters-
    A lot of these are still pretty fun, however, the keying is extremely tedious and the drops do not stack up for the time investment. In addition, only one drop per group means that you are more likely to be rewarded if you solo it. This discourages group play.. which sucks..And the ingredients they drop are for items that largely no longer have relevance in the current climate.

    -Champion Spawns-

    Awesome work with the new champ spawn - would love to see some higher tier rewards added to it, because the difficulty is not worth doing it atm.

    Your average sampire can currently solo most champion spawns in like 15-20 minutes. This is pretty bad for something that is meant to carry risk and be difficult. Powerscrolls get flooded from lower population servers which just reduces player interaction in fel even further. I would like to see ALL consumables shard bound and an overall increase in champion spawn difficulty.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    I like everything I have done.  I wish keys lasted longer. 

    I would like a few more Mobs like Navrey.  Just something that has a chance at a special drop that takes around 20 minutes Solo on a Mediocre template or build. And takes about 10 min for a small group.  Toss in 4 of those somewhere.  No keys just walk in and kill.

    Stygian Dragon is a little too much.  But you should take a group to it.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    I don't ;like Semidar, lol.

    And I hate the keyed encounters.  I go when invited, as a backup player...but when I hop on and want to play, I want to play something after while or tomorrow after I have farmed keys for the privilege.

    But scalis is fun, especially when the whole shard turns out for it
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    We just did Slasher with a group of 8.  I forgot how that can sux.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited July 2019
    For actual boss encounters I think my favorite is Scalis just for the community vibes. I have never gotten a drop, though, not once. I do not like the RNG of summoning the boss, either, as obtaining white nets is a tedious chore to me. I really hope they do not make this a ship-only encounter.

    I have never done a Charybdis. The keys for it are essentially impossible for me because of the horrific amount of RNG in the fishing quest system. The loot does not appear to be anywhere near worth the effort.

    My favorite key sets are Melisande, Medusa, and Shadowguard.

    I like keying Mel because it is a quest, and has no expiration until you turn it in. There is also zero RNG for acquiring the keys, it is just a simple ''kill x number of mobs''. A bit of a time sink, but I can find ways to spend my time in the area in between spawn cooldowns. The boss itself however is humdrum, with too low a drop rate for the 2 things that interest me (hair dye and crimmy). I would LOVE to see new recipes added for the old ML arties, like they did with Doom. I also would like new craftables using each ML boss's deco item, like the corrupted tree and tainted mushroom.

    For Medusa, I enjoy stealthing around and charming the snakes with a flute. I guess it is the idea of obtaining keys without killing things that appeals to me. Medusa herself is a fun encounter with several nice possible deco rewards.

    For Shadowguard, the key rooms are actually different and fun for me. My favorite is the Fountain, it is much like a puzzle that is slightly different each time. I wish the room itself had some sort of reward, cuz I would repeat it just for the fun of it. These "keys" are not RNG, which also makes me happy, and have no expiration. I find the Roof boss encounter challenging enough, and the gold explosion makes me happy. I wish there were more deco rewards, as the gear simply has no appeal to me other than a potential item to sell.

    I enjoy Zippy also, and I think I will enjoy the bug queen once I figure out how to kill her. The Great Ape makes me smile every time, and I like that it has talismans as loot. My favorite champion spawn is Primeval Liche, because it has a delightful mixture of deco, puzzles, and power scrolls. I wish the Khaldun champ was not quite as challenging as it is, because I love the costumes but can never get a group together to run it.

    Sorry for the long post, I just felt like rattling off the things I enjoy about Ultima Online, and tossing in a few ideas to make it more fun (for me).
  • I agree 100% with Tanager . Good to see someone liking the fountain as I do! 
    The less fun are the ML ones that needs keys with timers and have outdated rewards . 
    The worst: The revamp of Despise. What is there now should have been put somewhere else and the new players and training characters should have the old Despice as it was for training. Haven mines cant compare for what we lost. 
  • Pawain said:
    So you call playing any video game afk.  Most games use macros and mouse movements.  WornOutYourCredibility.
    Try reading slower.  I use EC and no programs that would let me afk the encounters.  But as I said it would be easy to do so if one chose.  Keep pretending like you are the alpha and omega of gaming, I'm sure it will take you places.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 549Moderator
    Please be mindful of the terms of service when posting. Respect and Courtesy will be the order of the day.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Really good feedback. I hope @Kyronix
    read this thread.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    hated the revamped gauntlet when i first got back, now that i have some practice at it, i actually really like it and feel pretty good each time i set a new 'least drobes collected' record on a run.

    I like shadowguard when i can find a decent wingmate or two.

    HATE semidar, I wont even bother.

    Enjoy all the peerless i've tried, as well as navrey.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Pawain said:
    We just did Slasher with a group of 8.  I forgot how that can sux.
    I hate the Slasher and I hate when EMs use that boss for an EM event
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Drakelord said:
    Pawain said:
    We just did Slasher with a group of 8.  I forgot how that can sux.
    I hate the Slasher and I hate when EMs use that boss for an EM event
    the EM's tend to use it far too often.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 601
    Dark Father encounter and the Doom Gauntlet in general. The DF is quite soloable as a sampire, but is also perfectly capable of killing you due to a combination of the spawn he creates, the Blood Oath spell, and plain old RNG shenanigans. Throw in more people and suddenly not only are you getting a lot more spawn scattered over a much wider area as people run around, you're actually getting more Dark Fathers.

    At this point an undisciplined group that engages all of them at once has turned what would otherwise be a controllable solo encounter into complete chaos. But hey, multiple Dark Fathers are saving you multiple trips around the Gauntlet in order to spawn them, so you may as well have at it. It's a fun system where the potential reward and level of crap going on scales with the number of players.

  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    edited July 2019
    I forgot about him.He is really hard for me, I guess it depends on the character you use. I tried it once with my tamer and was able to do the rooms without too much trouble but the Dark Father handed me my walking papers several times and sent me packing. I would love to try him again with my sampire one day after all the new content slows down a little. I am on Great Lakes and will have to find a Doom bud to try it with.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 375
    edited July 2019
    JollyJade said:
    So what is your least and most favourite boss encounter?

    Dungeon Doom, Gauntlet.
    Theres a few things I dont like there, i.e I dragged a fully scrolled nighmare with AI there totally unable to do DF, it spend more time fighting the spawning mobs than the DF itself.  Also as a mage summons get dispelled way to easy. We cant all play sampires.

    2: The random magical item that drop. Better with no drop than a drop of a random (useless) item. The other artifact drops are OK, some are good some are bad, but atleast its an artifact and not a random magically created item.

    As for the old peerless bosses i like them, all has its uniqueness and tactics, but they have become outdated.  Im not saying totally revamp them all, but atleast add a new item for drop, a deco, weapon, armor, something. As for the key hunting its familiar to people, even returners seem remember how to do it, this is good.

    Chalabys/Labyrinth/Aracrat/great ape quest/stygian dragon/ never tried them.

    As for the quest text for the different boss encounters it should say if its for solo or for group, Ive seen newer/returning players attempt solo quests that are not for solo cause they didnt know it was for group play.
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