Eodon Treasure Maps & Davies Locker

TimTim Posts: 840
Don't know if this has been reported but I got 5 maps from Eodon put them in Davie's Locker yesterday. When I took them out to day they had changed to Ter Mur. I'm sure they said Eodon when I got them there but now they decode to a location in Ter Mur. 

Just to be clear the maps show a location in Ter Mur not just the wrong name.


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916

    Interesting the Eodon maps I put in my Davie's it says Ter Mur in the Davie's but say Eodon when taken out and they show a location in Eodon.  See my bug report: https://forum.uo.com/discussion/4431/davies-locker-lists-eodon-maps-as-being-in-ter-mur

  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Oh I had seen your post about the name change when you put maps in the locker so I didn't worry about putting them in. I seem to remember when I first saw that bug taking one out and it reverting to an Eodon map when removed. It was when I took them out and they had changed from Eodon to Ter Mur that I thought was new.  

    I'm thinking the bug may be that I didn't "read" the map before putting in the locker. The character that got the maps wasn't the one with chartography and I didn't get him on until the next day. 
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