Displaced Pet.

Paged to ask a GM to look around for a pet. Of course the standard, we can't help with lost pets etc. Paging again stating, not looking for pet to be replaced, just please check the area, pet ball is in backpack.

It was wonderfully happy and would not follow. Too many targets. Upon leaving the area and using the pet ball, it still would not respond, so upon going back in, it was dead. There was a witness to it showing bonded and dying and leaving no ghost. Upon trying to use the pet ball again, it gives the message... "The Crystal Ball fills with a blue mist, Your pet is not responding to the summons."
No followers show present. In general chat someone stated that they have seen a pet reappear live a after this happening.

Is this just a waiting game? Any suggestions? Wait till server down and up?

Logged in and out a few times with no luck. Checked stables.


  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    if you have a galleon type ship launch it and double click the mooring line. This sometimes works to recover lost pets.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    If that works for you let us know. I will have to remember it if it dose just in case. By the way what is your pets name and what type of pet is it? Also what shard did this happen on?
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    The pets name is a newt elemental, garden slug and LS. I am "asking for a friend". No really! I literally ran around in the dungeon, outside of the dungeon, and the other side of the dungeon "in search of" looking for it for my friend. Thank you @Max_Blackoak ; That will be tried posthaste!
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I just took them to try the ship thing and that did not work. I went back to the original spot first though and used the pet ball in and out of the dungeon again. I am going to try something else, I'll post back in a moment.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    edited May 2019
    So I took a pet ball and attached a bonded pet to it, a blue beetle, and made sure it worked, and then release the pet and the ball said..."The ball fills with a grey mist..you are not the owner of the pet you are attempting to summon." so based on the words above... ""The Crystal Ball fills with a blue mist, Your pet is not responding to the summons." Means to me that the pet is out there, just lost somewhere.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I'm not sure whether this will still work or not, but anything is worth a try, right?  Go back to where you lost it and circle outwards, checking against anything that would block movement. It has been known for pets to attempt to follow a recalling/gating owner overland and then get stuck on a rock, mountain or stream. I have found pets for people on several occasions like that, but not recently.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I'm not sure whether this will still work or not, but anything is worth a try, right?  Go back to where you lost it and circle outwards, checking against anything that would block movement. It has been known for pets to attempt to follow a recalling/gating owner overland and then get stuck on a rock, mountain or stream. I have found pets for people on several occasions like that, but not recently.

    Yeah, that's what I did, I went to the dungeon, went down every hall, even down halls I didn't go down and to places I had to teleport to get to and then went out of the dungeon and covered the whole area above ground all around and even took a boat and skirted the whole shore. That's what I was really hoping for. Even went deeper in the dungeon.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    He got that pet just like you got yours.  I hope he returns today.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Pawain said:
    He got that pet just like you got yours.  I hope he returns today.

    I hope so too. :(
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