Impossible to find a party

Hey i have been playing for a week now and im enjoying the game !
finding groups seems impossible tho i have been trying for days on the Atlantic server .


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Considering that you mentioned that on the Atlantic server, which is the one most populated server, at least to my understanding, the fact that you are having a hard time to find groups to hunt with seems worrysome....

    Did you try ask in General Chat for players willing to go hunt with you when you are logged in ?

    You may also want to try posting on the Atlantic Forum that you are looking for players to go hunt together with

    Welcome to Ultima Online, and glad to hear that you are enjoying it !!

    It is a unique game, with a depth of content and gameplay that is tremendous !!
  • Not sure how you're going about it, but just talk to people in Brit and haven.  I take people out to random things doing that all the time.  Took people to do some peerless and champ spawns last night.  Just cobbling together whoever I talked to.
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