Problem with banning a player from the house
in Bugs
Greetings ! I have a problem with my house on Siege. The house is public (is a market) and usually if someone attack people inside get a ban. But lately there is a player that is impossible to ban. When you do that, you get the message that is already banned but that player can enter without problem inside. In the ban list there isn't the name of this player and to be sure i cleared also the list more and more times. But you can't always ban that player. I tried also to ban while the player is outside the house but still getting the same message that cannot be banned because already banned. I tried to ban other players and everything work fine. The only command that work against that player is the remove command but it work just for a while. Anyone have any ideas how to fix that? I called already 3 times GM but i got always the answer with email that isn't an issue that GM can fix.
Thank you very much all !
Thank you very much all !