Huntsmaster's Challenge: something looks quite wrong to me with it...

poppspopps Posts: 4,131
edited May 2019 in Bugs
Yesterday, April 30th, I turned in some kills which were recorded as top kills AND displayed on the Trophies in the Huntmaster's Room correctly (I did verify that they showed correctly on the Trophies AFTER submitting them to the Huntmaster who accepted them as Top kills...).

Today, May 1st, I logged in to check for Rewards (new Month) and what do I find ?

That my top kills have all but a couple been replaced by OTHER players (mostly 2 recurrant names of always the same characters with a 3rd one, occasionally) by kills from these other characters, of course higher then my records which YESTERDAY were accepted by the Huntmaster as the TOP records, and, VERY STRANGELY, show them now as kills done way before my April 30th submission of yesterday, like on April 24th or 25th or even at an earlier date.....

What gives ?

How come that on April 30th the Huntmaster accepted my kills as the high ones (many trophies in the Huntmaster's room did not even show the top Kills on the Trophies as if NONE had been submitted for those creatures until I submitted mines yesterday....) and the day after, today, May 1st, I see that the situation has been reversed and what on April 30th was the high kill (the ones I submitted yesterday), and the only one submitted for those creatures for all April, have been replaced by kills shown today, May 1st, registered by the Huntmaster as submitted on April 24th, 25th or even earlier ?

Excuse me ?

Also, does anyone know, by any chance, whether some "cheat" might exist out there that might allow, somehow, a player to SEE the record weight (or other stat relevant to the Huntmaster) of their kill BEFORE applying the 5,000 gp Permit on them or who knows, some other way to still see and show the top scores, close to the CAPs, but without necessarily having to burn 5,000gp Permits over and over and over to "find out" what that kill number is ?

I am asking, because I find it very strange to find very, very high kills' records, close to the max CAP allowed, to be quite frequently submitted to the Huntsmaster....

For example, I tried to beat a Sea Serpent top record which was set as 574 (CAP is 600), and I burned in the process, before stopping to just waste gold all for nothing, like 20-25 Permits (that's 120k+ gold all for nothing...), but all the recorded Sea Serpents' kills (that I could see only AFTER burning the 5,000gp Permit...) were below that 574 record and, therefore, unusable, and to be trashed away (which it means 120,000+ gp just wasted into nothingness....).

Now, "if" setting high kills' records for one SINGLE creature is "that" difficult, and many, many, MANY 5,000gp Permits need to be burned and wasted all for nothing, and yet, I see this done on many Creatures, I highly doubt that there could be players out there burning gold a go-go all for nothing, and killing tens upon tens of same Creatures to then waste 5,000gp Permits on them, just to select and "catch" that top kill to then submit to the Huntmaster....

Hence, my guess that, perhaps, out there there might be some "cheat" that allows a player to "see" the record of that kill "before" actually wasting the 5,000gp permit on it ?

The Rewards are not exceptional ones, therefore, I would be MUCH surprised to learn that players waste hundreds of thousands of gold points, perhaps millions, a go-go to gather points for those Huntmaster's rewards.

I mean, there is 22 Creatures, if I remember correctly, and if trying over and over to score a High Kill for one takes hundreds of thousands of gp (with that Sea Serpent kill I had to stop trying after burning 125k in Permits and STILL I could not beat that 574 high registered top kill), if one wanted to achieve close to CAP top kills for them all 22, they would have to burn away MILLIONS of gp..... and this, for the not-so-exceptional Rewards that the Huntmaster gives out ?

It makes no sense to me.

Anyone knows whether there is a way to "see" a kill record BEFORE actually burning away all for nothing a 5,000gp Permit on the corpse ?



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited May 2019
    Today being the first of the month all kills should be re-set and no kills showing on any trophy.  To claim your reward you must first double click the huntmaster then access his context menu.

    I suggest you check to see if you have the number of rewards that match the number of high kills you believe you submitted.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited May 2019
    Mariah said:
    Today being the first of the month all kills should be re-set and no kills showing on any trophy.  To claim your reward you must first double click the huntmaster then access his context menu.

    I suggest you check to see if you have the number of rewards that match the number of high kills you believe you submitted.
    @Mariah , @Kyronix , @Bleak

    I just did that and, AFTER server Maintainance and having spent, to my recallection, like 400,000+ gps in Hunting Permits throughout the later part of the month of April in between the Trammel and the Felucca Huntmasters (not counted them precisely, but I seem to remember to having purchased some 80+ Hunting Permits in order to try to get high stats record kills on all creatures for Trammel and Felucca Huntsmasters...) AND have had many kills recorded in my name ACCEPTED by either the Trammel or the Felucca Huntsmasters, BOTH the Huntmaster in Trammel AND the Huntmaster in Felucca show, as of now, after Server Maintainance on the first day of the May new month, ZERO points for my character that I could use for rewards.....

    I am not sure what the issues might be with this particular content in Ultima Online, but I sure know that I am done with it. 

    I mean, shortly BEFORE server maintainance (when I started this Thread) I clearly saw STILL some kills recorded on my character's name on the Trophies in the Rooms, whether in Trammel or Felucca Huntsman's Room which meant that I should have been awarded at least some points and then, after server maintainance and all kills having been reset, my character gets ZERO points from both the Trammel and the Felucca Huntsmaster for my character ?

    Thanks but no.

    I just know that I wasted a royal amount of gold and COUNTLESS time to score all of those kills, especially the Valley of Eodon ones, and then ended up empty handed and also in a way that I cannot understand the WHY of it ????

    Thanks but no.

    I mean, I spend LOTS of in-game gold and time to try reach that high kill, I score it, I SEE it as recorded on the Huntsmaster's Trophies right before server maintainance on the 1st day of the month to then see it all gone and not even I can understand why and how right after the server comes back up from maintainance and get nothing for all of my work and time spent ????

    This is surely not fun and, frankly, not a good way to keep players playing..... stuff like this is what sets a player down and NOT want to play a game, not want them keep playing it....

    I had some kills which MATCHED the other players' kills' records (therefore the players could NOT drop at the last minute a better kill since the kill was STILL showing in their favour and, thus, it would have been pointless for them to beat their own record.... only, since I matched that kill, I deserved likewise also points for it) and, yet, NOT EVEN FOR THESE kills I got any points.....

    This is most absurd and upsetting.......

    This is game over for me for this particular content as it looks to be playing out..... something is realy not working well with this particular content, I think. Likely, at this point I think to also want to reconsider my returning to UO at all.... if this is how things go, why bother spending my time in it and money at all ?

    It is pointless for me to spend large amounts of in-game gold and time to search for that high record kill, see them even displayed on the Trophies in the Huntsmaster's Rooms, Trammel and Felucca in my character's favour, right before the server goes down on the 1st day of the new month, to then get NOTHING when the server comes back up from maintainance on that 1st day of the month ?

    No thanks, I have got better things to do then waste my time and money like that....

    This is certainly not a good way, to my opinion, to keep a player wanting to play Ultima Online and pay their monthly subscriptions....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited May 2019
    Possible changes to address these issues could be, to my thinking, to have :

    1) - Permits to be valid only for the one day of the kill registered on it. Then, they DECAY and vanish unless they are not submitted to the Huntsmaster to record it.

    Stop it with players having countless gold to burn holding onto lots and lots of Hunting Permits with high kills recorded, only to drop them at the very last minute to delete the work and effort done by other players over this particular content.

    Make it so that a kill's Permit MUST be submitted on the day it is registered or that Permit gets DELETED at server maintainance the following day of the day that it was registered with that kill.

    2) - Assuming that a cheat may exist out there (I do not know...), that permits to players using it to "see" the stats of a kill BEFORE using a Permit on it like most players instead have to do, make it so that ALSO players not cheating can see that stat relevant to the Huntsmaster by hovering with the mouse on the corpse, thus, then being able to decide whether or not they want to burn a permit on that kill. This way, such a cheat, if it existed, would be rendered useless in its advantage to players using it, over other players not using that cheat...

    EVEN the ground out in between players, and not have some players who, perhaps, are able to "see" their kills' stats before using a permit on a corpse because they perhaps ue a cheat, and other players who, instead, have to burn countless gold in Permits in order to even just "see" what that kill record is...

    Just by doing these 2 changes, the ground would be, at least to my opinion, somewhat more evened out and the Challenge be made fairer, at least to my viewing....
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Did you double click the huntmaster and open his gump before accessing his reward menu?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited May 2019
    Mariah said:
    Did you double click the huntmaster and open his gump before accessing his reward menu?

    I left clicked on the Huntsmaster, the Menu gump came up, clicked on Select Rewards and then came up the list, on BOTH the Trammel and the Felucca Huntmasters, showing all of the Rewards as well as showing, on top of that list, that I had ZERO points allocated to my character to claim rewards regardless the fact that moments before the server went down several Trophies in the Huntsmasters' Rooms, in Felucca and Trammel still showed records in my character's name as well as, as I said, I did have also other turn ins which matched other players' best kills which, of course, remained in those players' names as showing on the Trophies but, nonetheless, for having matched those other players' kills, STILL should have resulted in points awarded to me also...

    Yet, I got ZERO points awarded, both in Trammel and Felucca.

    And YES, I did use, to check all that, the one character that turned in the Permits and whose name showed on several of the Trophies in the Huntsmasters' Rooms in Trammel and Felucca, moments before the server went down this morning, on the very 1st day of the Month.....

    Stuff like this is what gets a player to want stop playing a game... I see no point in spending efforts, time and my money in a game, to then end up like this and not even be able to understand the "why" of it......
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited May 2019
    Mariah said:
    Did you double click the huntmaster and open his gump before accessing his reward menu?

     This is quite odd.

    I went back to the Huntsmasters and, BEFORE pulling up their Menu with the left click of the mouse, double clicked the Huntsmasters' character and got the long reading Menu up.

    THEN, after that double clicking the Huntsmasters' Paperdoll, I left clicked on them and selected from the Menu Gump the Claim Rewards option....

    At that point, on both Trammel and Felucca, contrary to before, some points showed up in my character's favour....

    Way less then I thought should have been, but still not a total zero on both facets as before....

    Not sure why that double click on the Huntsmasters made the difference...

    STILL, my suggestions for changes to the Huntsmaster's Challenge as I posted above all remains to even out players in their chances at rewards.

    1) - Have the permit that recorded a kill HAVE TO BE submitted to the Huntmaster that SAME DAY or the permit WILL decay at server maintainance the following day and vanish into nothingness, so as to avoid richer players sitting on lots of high stats kills to then turn them in only at the last minute...

    2) - Make it so that hovering the mouse on a corpse would give out the stat for that kill relevant to the Huntsmaster, WITHOUT the need to apply a Hunting permit on the corpse, thus nullifying the advantage to some players from a cheat, if any exists out there to this purpose, that was to enable them to "see" the stats relevant to the Huntsmaster without the need for them to apply the Permit on that corpse as all of the other players not using such a cheat have to do....
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited May 2019

    That is why in my reply above I gave the information:

    To claim your reward you must first double click the huntmaster then access his context menu.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited May 2019
    Just so you know, people don't have to turn in their hunt kill deeds until after midnight on the last day (say 30th of April) but before server up at (say 6am on 1st May) for the kill to be updated for rewards.  After midnight you cannot get a deed and go kill something and try and hand it in as it will say it isn't in the current period, but you can still hand a deed in so long as it was bought and filled prior to midnight on the last day and get it in before server up. 

    I guarantee if you watch in the period between midnight of the last day and the next server up you will see someone log in and hand in deeds at the last second.

    They do this so they don't put in there 'high' score kill on say the 28th and so 'advertise' what number  people KNOW they have to better to 'win' and give them the opportunity to keep killing stuff to better it.  They rely on the fact that people will think they have the highest score up til the last day thinking they 'won' and won't try and do better.

    Sucks as it is against the spirit of the thing.  Personally if the deed isn't handed in before MIDNIGHT on the last day of the month it shouldn't be 'accepted'.  It is a bug that has been there since the beginning.  But even so, those with the biggest kill are still gonna 'hold' off handing them in until the last second just so people don't have time to better it.

    However anyone can do this, hold the deed, until the last second and it is still a crap shoot as to who has the biggest until they are in.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    MissE said:
    Just so you know, people don't have to turn in their hunt kill deeds until after midnight on the last day (say 30th of April) but before server up at (say 6am on 1st May) for the kill to be updated for rewards.  After midnight you cannot get a deed and go kill something and try and hand it in as it will say it isn't in the current period, but you can still hand a deed in so long as it was bought and filled prior to midnight on the last day and get it in before server up. 

    I guarantee if you watch in the period between midnight of the last day and the next server up you will see someone log in and hand in deeds at the last second.

    They do this so they don't put in there 'high' score kill on say the 28th and so 'advertise' what number  people KNOW they have to better to 'win' and give them the opportunity to keep killing stuff to better it.  They rely on the fact that people will think they have the highest score up til the last day thinking they 'won' and won't try and do better.

    Sucks as it is against the spirit of the thing.  Personally if the deed isn't handed in before MIDNIGHT on the last day of the month it shouldn't be 'accepted'.  It is a bug that has been there since the beginning.  But even so, those with the biggest kill are still gonna 'hold' off handing them in until the last second just so people don't have time to better it.

    However anyone can do this, hold the deed, until the last second and it is still a crap shoot as to who has the biggest until they are in.


    That is why I made the suggestion on my Post in this Thread....

    Precisely to avoid that.

    I am also highly suspicious, though, that "maybe" (I am not sure, it is just a guess...) out there might be a cheat, a way for some players to "see" the Stats of that kill "before" having to apply that 5,000 gp Hunting Permit....

    I am saying this, because I noticed quite often the same characters being able to turn in very, very high Record kills, close to the max CAP possible, and when I tried myself to beat a 574 Sea Serpent kill (CAP is 600, to my knowledge), I went through 20-25 Hunting Permits (an expense of 120,000 gp+) WITHOUT even being able to beat that Record... I just wasted my gold in the process....

    Now, with 22 Creatures, 44 on both facets, the math is easily done.... if one wanted to score VERY HIGH Records on most of those Creatures, they would need to burn MILLIONS of gp in Hunting Permits... UNLESS they had a way to "see" the Stat for that kill BEFORE having to actually apply the 5,000 gp Hunting Permit....

    That is why I "suspect" (but it is merely a guess, nothing else....) that perhaps there might be a cheat out there that allows those players using it, to be able to "see" the Stat for that kill BEFORE having to apply the 5,000 gp Hunting Permit....

    Or, they are effectively burning MILLIONS of in-game gp in order to score High Records, close to the max CAP possible, for multiple Creatures in the Huntsman's Challenge ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    edited May 2019
    I have hundreds of points spread around toons.  I just buy 10 and kill one of each Eodon creature at the first of the month.  Right now only a few win because they put in new rewards so NOOBs are doing them.

    I leave the rest for others.

    It does not take millions. They restart at 12 midnight eastern time the last day of month on LS.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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