Are Dexxers not useful anymore?

Seems like all people who use a weapon skill are heavily dependent on magic skills for PvP or just a plain sampire for PvM. What happened to dexxers? They were fun and simple to play, but simple is no longer a part of UO. Now you need a spreadsheet in excel to build a suit, and create a char that can compete.


  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Yeah the days of the swordsman, macer, fencer, pure warrior, are gone for the most part.
    As is the days of the pure mage.  Seems everything now has to be a hubrid of some sort to be competitive.

    Just the way of the I am often told, we must adapt

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Crosshealing is still the most OP thing in the game. 
  • Cross healing Pally Warriors still excel at duoing Blackthorn's Captains or Exodus. Macer and Fencer combo are pretty powerful with their Mastery abilities. The Fencer uses Pierce three times over 30 seconds to drop the mob to 0% Stamina, then the Macer keeps Stagger up for -60% SSI debuff. Completely neuters the damage output of most bosses.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Cross healing Pally Warriors still excel at duoing Blackthorn's Captains or Exodus. Macer and Fencer combo are pretty powerful with their Mastery abilities. The Fencer uses Pierce three times over 30 seconds to drop the mob to 0% Stamina, then the Macer keeps Stagger up for -60% SSI debuff. Completely neuters the damage output of most bosses.
    What he said. 2 properly geared warriors back to back can conquer the world. 
  • DerajDeraj Posts: 85
    It's not that pure warriors became weak, it's that other avenues to achieve power were introduced that cultivated imbalance. Damage modifier (slayers, EoO, honor) combined with the leech / special move combinations have ultimately resulted in templates that completely destroy whatever semblance of balance existed in PvM, in turn resulting in the need for increasingly, absurdly strong mobs that pure warriors are then unable to effectively fight. It's not that pure warriors need to be brought to the level of sampires, it's that sampires and the whole dynamic that gives melee'ers such tremendous power in PvM needs to be nerfed into unholy oblivion if UO ever hopes to gain balanced, challenging PvM ever again.

    That being said, even a pure warrior can achieve similar levels of effectiveness in certain situations with slayer weapons, if you have the right super or lesser slayer with life and mana leech. It's just harder to arrange that without EoO and bushido honor in the template, generally. It's all about understanding how to maximize damage. Any warrior, pure or hybrid, can achieve it, it's just easier for some than others.
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