Saddlebags for Mounts? Why not...

IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

AWAK, the only mount with "icorporeated" storage space is the Giant Beetle.

I feel like to wash my... undercarriage every time I ride one of them, but that is probably only a light form of entomophobia from my part, so my problem.

But why cannot the others mounts be equipped with saddlebags? Craftables of Arty, VR or whatever, it doesen't really matters, as long as we can have them introduced!

Do you agree? If yes, in what form do you prefer them (Arty, Craftable, VR, ecc.)?

And if not, care to elaborate why not?

Avoiding to have the thread prematurely closed, if possible, thx! B) ;)
  1. Do you want the introduction of Saddlebags fot Mounts?12 votes
    1. Yup, sure!
    2. No, forget it!


  • TimTim Posts: 839
    No it would be too big a boost to all other critters and cause major balance problems. Choices in game have consequences. If you want storage you take a beetle, if you want combat power and good looks you take well just about anything else. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Outstanding idea.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Tim said:
    No it would be too big a boost to all other critters and cause major balance problems. Choices in game have consequences. If you want storage you take a beetle, if you want combat power and good looks you take well just about anything else. 
    Choice? What has to do "choice" with the fact that the only ridable burden beast in UO is a darn glorified 'ROACH? :#

    It spells to me more about some Dev twisted sense of humor!  B)

    Now, having at least a second alternative... let's say a giant Hamster, now, that would be "choice"... :D ;)

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Tim said:
    No it would be too big a boost to all other critters and cause major balance problems. Choices in game have consequences. If you want storage you take a beetle, if you want combat power and good looks you take well just about anything else. 
    Looks are subjective, but as far as combat power, a giant beetle makes a very good combat pet even without it's hauling capabilities.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    I'm not necessarily against the suggestion I was just trying to point out it does have game balance issues. I just see problems with just making a saddlebag you can put on any pet. If you set it up so you can ride with saddlebags expect to see all archers on swampees with unlimited amo supply. 

    I would support it as a high cost training option, maybe 500 to 1,000 training points?

    Before we get too far down this road it would be real nice if one of the programers could say if this is even posable with out some major reprogramming.

    PS  I used a beetle most of the Krampus campaign.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    I assume this would be only pets that we can ride, and have no storage much like the Blue Bug.  I like the idea.
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  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Tim said:
    I'm not necessarily against the suggestion I was just trying to point out it does have game balance issues. I just see problems with just making a saddlebag you can put on any pet. If you set it up so you can ride with saddlebags expect to see all archers on swampees with unlimited amo supply. 

    I would support it as a high cost training option, maybe 500 to 1,000 training points?

    Unless you want these to be used as purely utility (non-combat) pets, a pet that uses 500-1000 points for saddle bags will not be viable as a combat pet (as in not competitive). 
    Can you elaborate on how you see this is a balance issue? To me it seems more of a convenience issue, like adding inventory slots in other game. And being a convenience issue, I'd be happy to see it in UO store.
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