Does anyone know what are the "tangible" practical differences of Fishing in Felucca as compared to doing it in Trammel ?

It of course is more dangerous, because Pirate Ships, including NPCs, can attack the Fisherman's Ship, but in terms of "yield" is there any real, tangible and visible difference ?

Does Fishing in Felucca Yield more fish caught up (2 fish in place of 1) ? Is the wait timer in between fishing attempts reduced in hald the time ?

Does the bonus also work for Crabs and Lobsters ? In what way ?

And since Crabs and Lobsters if too many CAN pull down the trap, does this mean that in Felucca the chances to loose a Trap are far higher as compared to Trammel thus making it more "disadvantageous" to do Lobsters/Crap Traps Fishing in Felucca as compared to Trammel ?

Furthermore, is there any tangible, visible difference in doing Fishermen's Quests in Felucca rather then in Trammel ?

Does one get more often better Quests' Orders and has a higher chance at better rewards or there is no difference, pretty much, in doing Quests in Felucca or Trammel ?

Also, the Reputation built up in Trammel works "also" for Felucca or they are 2 entirely separate Reputations, one for Trammel facet and the other for Felucca facet ?

Meaning, that one needs to "stick" with either facet and is not able to interchange in between the 2 facets at will ?

Thanks !


  • DexxahDexxah Posts: 24
    Good questions.
    I want to know aswell.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I can't answer all your questions, I don't keep spreadsheets and detailed records, I just play. However. There are no 'double resources' in fel for fishing, you only get one fish per cast and one crab per 'bob' of the trap. As far as I know fishing bait quantities work on the same values as Chrome first discovered (explained on the high seas page of the wiki). 
     I'm not sure on the reputation, sorry. 
    To the best of my limited knowledge the only reason to fish in Fel is to catch a great barracuda to make hci pies or Black Marlin.
    Doing quests in Fel is something of a pain and I wouldn't do so except on Siege where there's no choice. My reason being in Trammel with a delivery for Papua you can recall to the dock as soon as you go through the pillars, but in fel you have to sail from pillars to dock and back.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    I can't answer all your questions, I don't keep spreadsheets and detailed records, I just play. However. There are no 'double resources' in fel for fishing, you only get one fish per cast and one crab per 'bob' of the trap. As far as I know fishing bait quantities work on the same values as Chrome first discovered (explained on the high seas page of the wiki). 
     I'm not sure on the reputation, sorry. 
    To the best of my limited knowledge the only reason to fish in Fel is to catch a great barracuda to make hci pies or Black Marlin.
    Doing quests in Fel is something of a pain and I wouldn't do so except on Siege where there's no choice. My reason being in Trammel with a delivery for Papua you can recall to the dock as soon as you go through the pillars, but in fel you have to sail from pillars to dock and back.
    I was kinda suspecting that for Fishing there would be no benefit to Fish in Felucca rather then Trammel.

    Yet, it should not be so....

    What the Devs could do, for example, is HALF the wait timer in between fishing attempts as compared to fishing in Trammel.

    This, could double the fish caught for felucca as compared to Trammel because fisherman could make more fishing attempts in the same time.... 

    Also, in Felucca it could be made that a fishing spot would yield fish for longer before drying up as compared to Trammel...

    And for fishing up Crabs and Lobsters, it could be made that in Felucca traps would take more "bolbs" before they sink and get lost.... this way, fishermen in Felucca could use traps to catch up more Crabs and Lobsters as compared to Trammel....

    As in regards to Fishing Quests, perhaps there could be an "accellerated" way to build up Reputations and better Orders ? Or, Rewards could get a bonus as a chance to be given to fishermen by Fish Mongers....

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    I am not quite sure about fishing or related quest.

    But for Osiredon, I don't think it matters. I did solo killing over 100 Osiredon and did not get any of the rare drop like small soulforge. Maybe its my luck or the chances are super low like 1/10,000. However, if that is the case then would say forget it, it's not worth the risk doing in Fel because of the possibility of getting Pked and losing a drop. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Also I thought the gold drop is more in Fel, but I tried the Destard Greater Dragon and the gold seems to be the same as Trammel.

    Sorry if this digress from the topic, but over I think the OP has a relevant issue to be discussed. Apart from power scrolls, and vvv war, what are the perks of venturing into Fel? 

    Any advantage to do fishing in Fel and if not, can the High Sea upgrade factor this in?

    Resource gathering seems to be better in Fel but does luck really work in Fel? I.E. I read somewhere or uoguide that there is a default +1000 luck for every kill in Fel? Did I read this wrongly, or was it something nerf (quietly) a long time ago?

    Anyway I find the subject should be expanded to bring more perks to play in Fel. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Seth there is a luck bump in fel. This bump is garbage. There is nothing you want as loot in fel except clean items, and luck typically destroys that. Powerscrolls are the only reason to risk pvp ever. Even mining is worthless because its all random. You used to be able to camp a val vein and pk miners. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Ikeelu said:
    Seth there is a luck bump in fel. This bump is garbage. There is nothing you want as loot in fel except clean items, and luck typically destroys that. Powerscrolls are the only reason to risk pvp ever. Even mining is worthless because its all random. You used to be able to camp a val vein and pk miners. 
    hmm, quite true.

    I digress again - Regarding clean items, I think I have an idea for rewards, and maybe gold sink. 

    Alternative to get clean items is to have a Spec Remover Scroll:

    Remove first spec: 1 Scroll
    Remove 2nd spec: 5 scrolls
    Remove 3rd spec: 10 scrolls

    Make a little hard but not impossible to get a scroll.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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