So We all know what happened before with all the Glacial cloth, Tubs and so on, to the point that the Devs made them illegal again. We all know how much Mesanna hate that color for some reason and yet last week she just created a 1 of 1 Glacial Robe, named after herself and gave to a player, because she said his cloth is Legit. The picture is been shared around players and high end rare collectors and they are all asking the same question. Why she did and why only this player can have?. The player is showing everybody his new robe and now we need to know why not make this available at the ingame store and lets us all buy?



  • MiningInc said:
    So We all know what happened before with all the Glacial cloth, Tubs and so on, to the point that the Devs made them illegal again. We all know how much Mesanna hate that color for some reason and yet last week she just created a 1 of 1 Glacial Robe, named after herself and gave to a player, because she said his cloth is Legit. The picture is been shared around players and high end rare collectors and they are all asking the same question. Why she did and why only this player can have?. The player is showing everybody his new robe and now we need to know why not make this available at the ingame store and lets us all buy?

    Tbh this colour clothing or books have never been liked by myself cant see what people see in it.. however this week i did see a rose on atlantic with this colour and mesanna name and did buy that as i thought it looked pretty on a flower lol
  • Can you post the shard and coordinates of where this is displayed?
  • The rose was from an event and ok'd by Mesanna who by the way created it.  The LP can do anything she damn well wants to do...    
    As for the robe.. the owner will find that it cant be cut up. 
    After the fiasco of the "he who's name we will not mention" went off like a nuke... Mesanna had a code put in that made the glacial cloth of that hue if made into clothing would not be salvageable. This made the cloth a hot potato.  The few pieces of clothing and cloth that were legal she has a list of their owners.  
    I will not go into what in the past Mesanna has said about this matter suffice it to say this instance must have been special gift.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    I would say the answer to your question is 'no'. The robe quite clearly says 'Not to be worn by a player', and it isn't. It is being worn by a vendor npc. 
    I would further guess that it actually can't be worn, and if by some chance it can, should the owner  decide to try to wear it, he would find himself very shortly no longer in possession of it.
    Gifts from Mesanna should not be misused.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Event Items the vendor....nuf said.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    nuf said.
    I concur
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