Search for Skattles - conclusion
in Great Lakes
From the desk of Dr. Jerred DeSule:
The Bureau of Justice and Intelligence in association with Governor Qualark Ventes of Vesper hereby request the assistance of the public with an investigation.
For some time, the Governor Emeritus of Vesper, Skattles II, has been missing. Since his presumed abduction by a Vesper merchant, he has not been seen or heard from, nor have any demands been made for his return.
An investigation was launched but has reached a number of dead-ends and been stalled by staffing and budget restraints. We are calling on the public to assist.
To begin, please visit the Bureau's office at at 33° 50'S, 14° 12'E. Transport from the Vesper bank via a teleporter will also be available. The notes on the investigation are in the white books on the black table.
The first to identify the whereabouts of Skattles shall receive a 30 million gold reward and our deepest gratitude. Should no one find the missing dog by December 17th, we will regrettably close the investigation and file an official notice of death.
We will open the doors to the office beginning at 6PM Central on November 19th.
((This is SELF-GUIDED. Once the doors are open, you may begin at your own pace.))
Dr. Jerred DeSule
& Governor Qualark Ventes of Vesper