Agenda for Royal Council at 2 PM Sydney Time, Saturday, November 17, 2018

EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator

Monthly Royal Council Meeting

This is the monthly Royal Council. Players are encouraged to attend and participate, Governors are STRONGLY encouraged to attend and participate.

Tentative Agenda is:

1. Can these old deco items be safely removed? (player input needed)

* Trail of Dead Unicorns at Spirituality Shrine
Beginning at 25 46' N, 15 23' E

* Group of NPCs on Fire Island Near Hythloth
Sentry x2 at 170 57' N, 117 34' W

* Group of NPCs on Dagger Island Near Deceit
Sentry x2 at at 113 7' N, 166 14' W

Aminia the Weaponmaster’s Wife on Dagger Isle
Perpetual spawner for the wife at 115 35' N, 170 52' W

2.  Status of Luna Mint Deco Update (Lord Blackthorn)

Permanent deco in place, need temporary deco input from players.
Suggest allowing temporary deco be selected by players using various 'contests':

 * the town that raises the most in the monthly Town Treasure Hunt
 * the player that finishes an Ordos trial first
 * the player that posts the most interesting / informative Oceania post on UO Forum
 * the player that finds the EM in a 'hide and seek' event
 * the player that catches the biggest fish in a timed fishing tournament
etc etc

3.  Status of Town Treasury / Trade Deal / Governor concerns (player input needed)

Governors should report on their trade deal, if it is a duplicate explain why, and if it is not active explain why

4.  Developer Meet and Greet update (Lord Blackthorn)

Strongly encourage players / Governors to post on the UO Forum (Oceania area)

5.  Concerns from the Realm (First Governor, then other player input)

6. Upcoming Holiday Tree Crafting Festival Preparations

7.  Ordos Oceanicus Founding (Lord Blackthorn)

* Need player input on a primary and secondary color for the Ordos.
  Hue ID #s for various colors can be found at

The Council will meet at:

2 PM Sydney Time, Saturday, November 17, 2018

10 PM US Eastern Time, Friday, November 16, 2018

9 PM US Central Time, Friday, November 16, 2018


- EM Tycho
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