Could someone on the Dev team give us a direct answer about future development of the EC?



  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited November 2018
    You talk about choice of client. Before publish 103, there was no choice in client. If you wanted to win (pvp) you HAD to use EC on a warrior for its weapon swapping ability and running speed. 

    If you want to pvp with a mage you pretty much have to use CC. The EC casting slower than CC if you use cursor targeting and there’s no range check, conversely EC casting is faster but only if you play low skill level and use ECs auto targeting. 

    But yeah, our “choice”
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    edited November 2018
    Yep those are all examples of choices.

    All are appropriate for a game as complicated as UO. If you don't like making them let me know and I'll tell you which are the right answers and how you should play the game.

    Don't you have both clients installed ? I do even though I hate using CC there are times when it is the better choice.

    Trying to make them both all things for all people and play style is doomed to fail and is holding them both back.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2018
    Don't know what you wnat me to say lol.  Played CC twenty years, with no UO assist.  Seems fine to me

    That is great, if everyone is same as you, they won't even bother complaining and comparing the dress up macro speed. How do you dress up in the past 20 years, drag and drop each equipment in the middle of a fight? They probably don't know such function existed.

    For one, after a long fight I know someone is using CC when they do this:


    The above is not a typo. These are their macros keys.

    EC is way more advanced than CC. If you want to play fair to everyone, and downgrade all the functions of the EC to match the CC, might as well shut down the game.

    I am NOT going back to Windows 3.1 era!

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Assuming that there are sufficient resources (developers, coders) like 20 years ago, I won't want to waste time getting into this argument.

    But 20 years later, and with limited people on the Dev Team and you are working so hard on upgrading our Ultima Online's version of the "Microsoft Windows 3.1". You guys got to be nuts.

    I agree with the OP, question is when are you going to start focusing back on the EC?
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited November 2018
    Pardon my ignorance, what function/s on EC has been downgraded to match CC?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Tim said:
    They just changed the dress macro in EC, a minor change but still annoying because according to Kyronix "This is to increase parity between the functionality between both clients as well as maintain balance." If he had said it was just being done to fix an cheat I wouldn't complain.

    you should try reading other peoples posts and consider their arguments before attacking them
  • LOL, all this arguing over a dress macro that was instant.  It should have never been in the game to begin with regardless of client.  If you want to dress instantly in UO , you dbl click your corpse, that's it.   There is no reason for people to carry spare suits for luck or any other stat/skill.  You guys were literally spoiled by a broken mechanic for years.  
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Once again the point I was trying to make was missed.
    According to Kyronix's post the change to EC was to make it function the same as was possible it CC. Which is an example that Mervyn was asking for. 

    If there was another reason for him to make the change he did not mention it and if it was as desperately needed as you are saying why wasn't it fixed years ago. 

    If "There is no reason for people to carry spare suits for luck or any other stat/skill." why do people do it. Just because you don't is not a reason to ban it. As for it being a "broken mechanic" do you have some proof or is it another example of PVPer saying it so it must be the way the game is suppose to be.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited November 2018
    If you log onto test centre right now, you’re able to insta switch suits on classic client as fast as you can in Enhance Client with no delay, as they haven’t yet introduced the undress requirement. So I don’t know what he meant by balancing the clients. As clearly its not a capability issue.

    luck suit switching was just one example of too many to list of possible game mechanic subversions. If the luck check was made at a random point of a monster’s health deficiency, you would not be able to subvert the game mechanics so easily. Rather than try and introduce a hundred different things to negate insta suit swapping, the obvious solution is to fix the bug that allowed you to dress an already occupied slot.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Seth said:
    Assuming that there are sufficient resources (developers, coders) like 20 years ago, I won't want to waste time getting into this argument.

    But 20 years later, and with limited people on the Dev Team and you are working so hard on upgrading our Ultima Online's version of the "Microsoft Windows 3.1". You guys got to be nuts.

    I agree with the OP, question is when are you going to start focusing back on the EC?
    There is a still a majority of paying customers who play CC, so they don't have to be nuts. Private shards show you can add tons of improvements to CC. The EC has so many feature-based benefits over CC, that the CC getting some love is hardly reason for EC players to start complaining. Absurd.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    edited November 2018
    The only people who know what the real percentages of who is using what client is Broadsword and they aren't talking. Claiming your or my side has the majority is pure BS (pun intended)
    If the monitors wish to keep the conversation civil and useful please release the percentage numbers or at least a reason why you can't.

    Both sides can probably only agree on one thing. That in a list of worst and most antiquated game interfaces presently in use UO would probably be 1 and 2. (pick your own order) They both need a complete rewrite. 

    My main complaint about CC is that when they decided to make EC an option rather then a replacement they killed any chance of a complete rewrite. Releasing a new client now would mean they would have three clients to maintain rather then just 2. It an't happening.

    A new client could include radical things like 
    • The ability to select and move more than 1 type of item at a time.(drag select)
    • Windows in list mode with sort by X function.
    • Working anti cheat protocols (no 3rd party programs needed or wanted)
    • You know thing that are now expected on any computer program.
    PS the complaints from the EC side now are not the CC got updated it is that EC got changed for the stated reason to make it equal with CC.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Tim said:
    PS the complaints from the EC side now are not the CC got updated it is that EC got changed for the stated reason to make it equal with CC.
    That is my main reason for jumping into this discussion.

    The following changes appear to be live:
    Dress Macro Update
        The action timer after the use of the Dress macro has been increase from 1 second to 1 second per item equipped.

    I am going to leave this thread and focus on creating a bug list for EC to submit.

    I just hope, whatever they change here: Please consider if this would affect our play style and habit since day one. Esp. when it was developed and tested by a much larger team and community in the past 10 over years.

    If you want to remove something, please do it win-win. Like the pet revamp, I think it was done well - we lost something, but gained back a lot more new and better stuff.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    100% agree @Seth that if there is a feature on the EC that can be added to the CC then it should be added without changing the original function.  You are also right in the fact that the EC has been around a long time and was built by a larger DEV team and tested by a larger player base so why all of a sudden are the functions becoming a problem or is it a select small group that think it needs changed so the team is caving into them.
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