Can't Use Soulstones Wearing Savage Paint ?!?

Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
So I just came back after a few months break & wanted to imbue some weapons to try the Halloween event stuff.

Have to soulstone imbuing on my gargoyle & whats this ??
"You may not use a soulstone in your current form."   What the hell guys ?
I've used savage paints simply for the look on various characters for over 15 yrs & now they decide not to allow use of soulstones cause I've got savage paint on? Really?? I had to look up how remove savage paint cause I've never once used an oil cloth.

How could this possibly be worthy of changing after +15 yrs ? If anyone can give me a legit reason for this change, I'm all ears. Otherwise,  could you PLEASE make soulstones accessable to savage paint wearers once again, like they have been since forever ? If there's a legit reason for removing this, I'm willing to hear it out & even accept it if it has/had potential for abuse of some kind.

I've always farmed mats to make savage paints since I often use them. It's really going to be a PITA farming up 3 or 4 times the mats if I have to wipe it off every time a character wants to use soulstones. Sorry for the rant but I really wanted to kick back today & play some Halloween event fun, not go on a mad search for oil cloth.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,524
    People were using masteries and stoning off the skills and the mastery stayed on while they put new skills on and added new masteries.

    So they changed the requirements for soulstone use.  Possible the paint was collateral damage.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I wear the Undead Tophat from the store, which turns my skin white. Sometimes the game makes me remove the hat before using SS, and sometimes not. I have not found a pattern. Part of the reason for the change was people casting various ninja or necro forms and then stoning the skill. Getting an unskilled spellweaving focus and then adding the skill back on was also impacted.
  • try loging out and back in.
    I noticed that whenever my sampire had to recast vampiric embrace I needed to log out before using a soulstone or else I would also get the message mentioned above.
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    tried logging out/in - doesn't seem to matter. If you wear savage paint you can't use a soulstone. This needs to be changed please !

    I read about the soulstone abuse using masteries & I'm glad that was changed. It needed to be if players were abusing game mechanics to gain unfair advantages but I fail to see how savage paint & soulstone use negatively impact anyone.

    Please see if you can fix this UO Team !
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    In order for something to be fixed, it must first be broken, you may not use a soulstone when in any form. I don’t see what the issue is, use oil cloth, use soulstone, use savage paint (if you must) 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Mervyn said:
    I’m busy working on my next big troll. If only I used my powers for good. 

    Hardly worth your effort here.

     Its broken b/c its been +15 yrs of working fine w/o a single complaint from anyone... ever.
    Then a patch goes through that has absolutely nothing to do w/ it & it's nerfed. Just b/c you don't care doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed.

    Troll somewhere worthy of your powers Sir.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    That was not a troll. While there are no specific issues I have with using a soulstone while wearing savage kin paint, there are a few things that require you to be in no form, race change, character transfer/copy. I happen to agree with the safe way they designed it. 

    Savage kin paint also is designed to be able to apply, remove, and re-apply, its not supposed to be a permanent fixture.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Mervyn said:
    Savage kin paint also is designed to be able to apply, remove, and re-apply, its not supposed to be a permanent fixture.

    Thanks for your brilliant insight. I've only been using it for +15yrs, I needed you to explain how it works...

    If you have no issues w/ wearing savage paint while using a soulstone then you agree there was no reason for it to be changed.

    Please put this on your list of things to fix Devs. My guess is it was an oversight having to do w/ code changed for players abusing game mechanics, something I have never done.

    (I am, however, sorry for my rude attitude when 1st posting. I really wanted to jump right into the new event stuff & this combine w/ spending hours reading just to figure out what was going on had my fuse alil short. Hope my apologize is accepted :)  )

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