Developer Meet and Greet for Oceania

EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
Hello all,

At this week's Lake Austin Meet and Greet someone asked about getting one of these for Oceania. The time difference from the dev team to Oceania local has always been a barrier to getting these worked out. Mesanna has asked that we try and pick a workable time for both the devs and players. I put together a small chart of the timezone difference (based off of the second week of November, which will be after the US-shift from daylight savings time).

The Dev Meet and Greets are typically held on a Monday night (US East Coast). That would give a rough range of 4 PM to 9 - ish PM their time, so for Sydney time this would be 8 AM - 1 PM-ish on Tuesday morning. Mesanna reminded me that these are after-hours for the devs, meaning they are not on-the-clock.

What I would like is for Oceania players' input on where in that range would work best, or if there are any suggestions about how to make it work otherwise. Please reply to this thread, or email me at

As far as I know there is not a target date at the moment. November has M&Gs planned already, so probably December / January are more likely targets (unless some are already planned for those but not posted).

Thanks everyone,

EM Tycho


  • I actually wouldn't mind it being 2am our time, but I'm probably an outlier because of my sleep patterns, haha.
  • Cat134Cat134 Posts: 23
    edited November 2018
    As I've emailed in the past, I think what would work best, is 7pm Friday Developers time and that would mean 11am for Oceania on a Saturday. As during the week, players wouldn't be able to meet early in the morning or during the day or our time as they would be at work. Thanks Cheers
  • FinkFink Posts: 48

    A time most convenient for the gods would be my preference. I would rather they are rested and happy as they are giving of their own time.

    I express only my interest in attending, not a particular time as I am beholden to none. I have spoken at more peoples but they are content to be told when to be there. 

    Is there a protocol for speaking? May we prepare questions? If so, may we please know the context or scope of such questions? For example, are we most concerned with event-related content or is it Oceania-specific or perhaps general discussions?

    Thank you.

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Cat134 said:
    As I've emailed in the past, I think what would work best, is 7pm Friday Developers time and that would mean 11am for Oceania on a Saturday. As during the week, players wouldn't be able to meet early in the morning or during the day or our time as they would be at work. Thanks Cheers
    Any time between 7pm - 10pm friday night for the devs, 11am-2pm  Sat for players.  Is ideal

    If not same times just different day however a lot of players would be at work as stated above.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
    I have been informed that the Oceania Meet and Greet is scheduled for January. I'll pass on the date and time as soon as it is established.

    Thanks all.
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    EM Tycho said:
    I have been informed that the Oceania Meet and Greet is scheduled for January. I'll pass on the date and time as soon as it is established.

    Thanks all.
    Thank you for your efforts, your eminence. 

    I look forward to January. I will try to herd more interested parties to attendance.

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • greetings  i read is for january the meet and greet for oceania.Best time is  7 pm for devs and 11 am for oceania players
  • EM TychoEM Tycho Posts: 78Event Moderator
    Hello folks,

    I told you I would let you know once I heard back about the Oceania M&G not being in the January list in Newsletter 33. Mesanna confirmed that there will be no M&G for Oceania this month. I previously told you guys it would be in January based on her direction, and I did not know this had changed until it came out in the newsletter. My deepest apologies, this was as surprising to me as it was to you. I had, as recently as December 28th, reached out to see what date had been set for the M&G but did not receive a response. This is out of my hands now.

    I will be canceling the remaining events planned for Oceania this month. Originally I intended to stay on through the month but I am not comfortable doing that at this time. I will not be checking the EM Tycho email address any longer, and will not be logging in on this forum under the Tycho account. Thank you all for the support given these last few months, and good luck in 2019!

    -- Tycho
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    I am very sorry to learn of this outcome.

    I was quite looking forward to the M&G, but by far the bigger loss is you as our EM. It seems as if you were very much our champion, striving to bring us a quality experience, but I sense outside forces were at play to hobble your efforts. Regardless, thank you so much for time, enthusiasm, and creativity.

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    sad news, Thank you Tycho for all you have done with us, it was most enjoyable. May good fortune find you wherever you go .
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    Tynk said:
    ~ Thank you Tycho for all you have done with us, it was most enjoyable. ~

    Someone said at the gathering today, "but he only just started" and I thought, "no, he has been here six months, surely?" I came back here to check and it has only been since October. I think this speaks to how enjoyable and full our event calendar has been.

    You could argue this is my impression because I have been to almost every event, but the counterpoint is I have wanted to be so deeply involved. The Ordos Oceanicus gave me the purpose I was struggling to find since returning to Sosaria, and transformed a shepherd into a shield-maiden. 

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
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