I would buy this from the UO store!

I recently bought a Dreadmare. It was trained and scrolled. Whoever did it wasn't really thinking things through apparently and added stuff that isn't useful. I would love to see a token in the store that would allow you to 'untrain' a pet. Could be a couple different tiers. one could wipe it clean, one could wipe specials and one could wipe scrolls. I bet a lot of people who either messed up training or changed their mind after training or bought a pet that was messed up would buy them. Food for thought.
ICQ 568300481


  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Nice Idea but I think the developers said their idea was for us to just go out and tame another.
    If it wasn't for the scrolls I would agree with them but after scrolling up a pet then making one bad choice ..........  :o
  • Mine in question is a Dread and you can't go out and tame another.:/

    ICQ 568300481
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Tim said:
    Nice Idea but I think the developers said their idea was for us to just go out and tame another.
    If it wasn't for the scrolls I would agree with them but after scrolling up a pet then making one bad choice ..........  :o
    You can always copy to TC and where the bonding gate in brit there is also a clickie that gives you a bag full of 120s.  With TC being there how can anybody say they made a mistake on their pet, please STOP building pets on prodo shards and use TC first.  If you are to lazy to use test then you get what you deserve.
  • Bilbo said:
    Tim said:
    Nice Idea but I think the developers said their idea was for us to just go out and tame another.
    If it wasn't for the scrolls I would agree with them but after scrolling up a pet then making one bad choice ..........  :o
    You can always copy to TC and where the bonding gate in brit there is also a clickie that gives you a bag full of 120s.  With TC being there how can anybody say they made a mistake on their pet, please STOP building pets on prodo shards and use TC first.  If you are to lazy to use test then you get what you deserve.
    Sweet, an honest post with a troll! I bought this pet because I wanted a Dread. I didn't train it. I wasn't lazy.

    Now, that being said, people mess up pets all the time. You have to train them in a specific order, some people get steps out of order and waste scrolls and time. I have no problem training up a pet. HOWEVER in my case I spent 200 Mil on a Dread. If I want a 3 slot untrained DREAD I would have to spend between 500mil and a plat.
    ICQ 568300481
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited October 2018
    Mine in question is a Dread and you can't go out and tame another.:/

    im not much of a tamer but from what i do know a nightmares better than a dread anyway.  dreads are basically just collector items now, so i doubt the devs would introduce something just for rare pets. altho it would be nice.

  • SwordofExcaliburSwordofExcalibur Posts: 95
    edited October 2018
    I have read before that the Devs are looking into giving us the ability to revisit pet selections during training.

    So, I expect to see something in the next quarter or two.

    i saved my 2 slot pre-patch Nightmare, so I could just change it back to full Magery.  Chiv + Goo and no AI is not making me happy :[.

    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
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