Test Center Copying - Please?

TC was put up Monday October 22nd.  Tuesday October 23rd when Patch 102 was applied to Prodo servers copying to TC1 became disabled. This left people with just one day to copy over to TC1. Will copying to TC1 be open again from Prodo servers before the design period of Keeps ends?  (I know we can make characters there, but we can not bring over stuff from prodo servers)



  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    You should be able to now.  Please let us know if you encounter further issues.
  • Char Copy is again not available. Plz check and repair thanks :)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

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