Santa Claus of Legends
in Legends
A friend transferred some items from Atlantic to Legends.
Inside the box was items that I wanted to have sent back to Sonoma.
And there was 50 anniversary tokens.
I had them sent there so I could try to get a telescope with Santas name on it.
I had no clue there would be an issue with the tokens...
I had no idea when the server goes down, so the first time it crashed, that's what I thought happened.
After the second time it crashed, I posted in the bugs section.
And now I wish I hadn't...
cause I heard that there was many Santa Claus' that was created afterwards.
And I learned today that one of the fake Santa's got my stuff...
I told my husband that I thought the wrong Santa would get it & he said that Mesanna has the powers to know the difference. Afterall my Santa does have the book in his backpack.
And I hate it that I was right, cause that means that whoever got my stuff probably threw away my soulstone and my anniversary card collection. I didn't care about getting the tokens back, just the other stuff that I had...
Inside the box was items that I wanted to have sent back to Sonoma.
And there was 50 anniversary tokens.
I had them sent there so I could try to get a telescope with Santas name on it.
I had no clue there would be an issue with the tokens...
I had no idea when the server goes down, so the first time it crashed, that's what I thought happened.
After the second time it crashed, I posted in the bugs section.
And now I wish I hadn't...
cause I heard that there was many Santa Claus' that was created afterwards.
And I learned today that one of the fake Santa's got my stuff...
I told my husband that I thought the wrong Santa would get it & he said that Mesanna has the powers to know the difference. Afterall my Santa does have the book in his backpack.
And I hate it that I was right, cause that means that whoever got my stuff probably threw away my soulstone and my anniversary card collection. I didn't care about getting the tokens back, just the other stuff that I had...
